How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

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How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by KaspenOne »

alot of the guys in my club bust my chops becuase I roll the sexy fzr. espically my buddy on a 2000 gsxr750. when we are in canyons i lean like no other and kepp up with the 1000 and 750 no problem if not surpass them ;), so far i have added a uni foam air filter, r6 header swap, and i just recived my factory pro 1.0 jet kit.
now ive been told if i want max hp i should have got the fp 3.0 and gone with pod filters? also ive ran across some flateside carburators with velocity stacks, i dont know much about them other then used for racing.. this fzr is my baby, i love alot i dont think i will ever upgrade .. i want to make her as fast as possible for a 600 and since they are building a local track i have time to whip her into shape. I know you guys are fzr gurus, and have helped me before with my noob mistakes. any suggestions on how to get the most hp out of my engine with out doing any internal engien work, ie boring and such im not that mechinically inclined. al the suggestions and imput is very apperciated. also please tell me why somethign works better then the other and benifits, i hate when someone just says k & n ftw, but dont state facts to prove why lol
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by DonTZ125 »

You're hanging with 750s and 1000s - tell them to stick their taunts sideways until they can actually pull away from a bike with a third less power!

In the meantime, enjoy the reliability and controllability of a well-tuned stock engine.
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by KaspenOne »

yeah i keep up with them untill we hit stirghts then they pull away, but not that fast.. i just want to be able to track race it when the new track is built.. im already looking at buying another bone stock fzr with less milage as my commuter and canyon rider.. but this fzr i have now i want to put in beast mode! lol
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by reelrazor »

Probably the biggest bang for your buck is going 660cc. Look around for some aftermarket cams.

But, like Don said, having it (your bike as is) very well tuned, and sorted out is the best way to go. Upgrades almost always pay off most if the suspension is upgraded first...better shock in rear, better forks or stock forks with correct springs and PD/emulator valves.


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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by thatkid »

Dropping to a 520 chain and sprocket kit will help a little too.
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by pnbell »

Stop eating and lose a bunch of weight.... Not only will your bike go and stop faster but you can use the money you're not wasting on food and buy some new tires/Suspension! :thumbsup:

Generally speaking if you want a faster bike; buy a faster bike. But as a DIY'er myself - Build the shit out of it!!! Wooo! :cheers:
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by ragedigital »

pnbell wrote:Generally speaking if you want a faster bike; buy a faster bike. But as a DIY'er myself - Build the shit out of it!!! Wooo! :cheers:
I didn't want to be the one to say it first, but yeah, a "newer", faster bike will yield the best results.

You can certainly add PODs, 520 conversion quick accel sprockets, etc..., but ultimately, you have to really love the FZR to do that and to spend the money on it knowing that you really aren't going to keep up with a 750 or a 1k or even newer 600s in the end.

The one thing I missed about my FZR is the sound. With the V&H SuperSport exhaust, I got compliments from a lot of riders.

For some people, the FZR is a starting point. For others, it is a love affair. As much as I loved my FZR and made it my own, my real passion was riding track days and the FZR just didn't have the updated components I needed to be competitive (even though track days aren't officially racing).

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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by sweekster »

my2cents ?

Um...lose weight and switch 400 frame and yzf600 engine and be done. Done laughing yet? If I were to get and actually set up another fzr 600 I would do the following:
630 overbore or 660 (seems that the way ReelRazor did his is a bit cleaner of a process IMO).
Stage 3 jetting keeping the airbox. That whole thing about having to switch to pods when you do a stage 3 is a myth if you ask me.
MSD Ignition box
R6 header-unless this is an EXUP bike then I'd dump everything except the header and servo and run a slip on.
520 chain with the stock 15/45 ratio (again, personal preference)
All of the above done right should yield a faster little scooter

I'm of the opinion that "faster" doesn't always mean MORE power. A linear power curve will make better use of the power available and a properly set up suspension will then transfer that power to the ground the right way. Granted, all that's in the little diatribe of mine is relative and highly debatable.
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by DonTZ125 »

What has you leaning towards the MSD box?
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by KaspenOne »

thanks guys, well i love my fzr i know it wont beat the newer bikes and i know it will never be as fast. but i dont mind putting money into her. i will change out my sprocket set up as for now im running a 530 with a -1 front and +2 rear from stock. i have a foam uni air filter, but heard volcity stacks is where it is at, factory pro makes some, i have a stage one fp jet kit, but then relized i ordered the wrong one and its to late to send back with out getting charged a restock fee ;( suspension im working on as well as my own personal wieght lol
Sal Co-Owner of SisBro Motowerkz, Santa Maria
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by KaspenOne »

how do i go about the 660 kit aswell? how much am i looking at? i just want to be able to race my buddy with a gsxr750 when track time comes lol and have a lil more hp i dont want a new bike i just want to keep buidling my to its full potential, and what is better the r6 header or the vh 4-1 header?
Sal Co-Owner of SisBro Motowerkz, Santa Maria
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by sweekster »

DonTZ125 wrote:What has you leaning towards the MSD box?
Helps improve spark and adds a bit of adjust-ability. Firing the spark plugs more times per cycle. Allows me to keep my old school cool carbs in the process. Couple years ago a guy on exupworldwide was running one on his 94 1k and said it made a pretty significant difference.
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by willandrip »

Sweekster; can you add more info on this please;
" Firing the spark plugs more times per cycle"
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by ragedigital »

willandrip wrote:Sweekster; can you add more info on this please;
" Firing the spark plugs more times per cycle"

Williandrip - That is what MSD stands for "Multiple Spark Discharge" ( ... lti-spark/)
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Re: How do I gain the most hp out of my fzr?

Post by willandrip »

Thanks for the link;I should have done a google on it!
This is not a commonly available unit in the UK,the info is most informative.
Unfortunately the price is also prohibitive.
Has anyone personal; experience of this unit on Fzr TCI units.
Is the unit capable of producing multiple discharges at above 3000 rpm ?
Sent from my keyboard using the English language not some teen text shite from a fooking phone.
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