now ive been told if i want max hp i should have got the fp 3.0 and gone with pod filters? also ive ran across some flateside carburators with velocity stacks, i dont know much about them other then used for racing.. this fzr is my baby, i love alot i dont think i will ever upgrade .. i want to make her as fast as possible for a 600 and since they are building a local track i have time to whip her into shape. I know you guys are fzr gurus, and have helped me before with my noob mistakes. any suggestions on how to get the most hp out of my engine with out doing any internal engien work, ie boring and such im not that mechinically inclined. al the suggestions and imput is very apperciated. also please tell me why somethign works better then the other and benifits, i hate when someone just says k & n ftw, but dont state facts to prove why