Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

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Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

Post by Clanky »

My 89 FZR has a factory fitted oil cooler. Can I still do the adaptor plate swap to use the later spin on filters or are the internal water/oil ways different in some way with the oil cooler set up?

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Re: Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

Post by FZRDave91 »

Thats an interesting question. From the looks of it I dont see why it wouldn't, but don't consider this advice.
Hopefully someone else will chime in who has run into this before.
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Re: Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

Post by DonTZ125 »

Unless I'm mistaken (it happens. Occasionally ... :mrgreen: ) the 'nose' on the 'internal' filter mount cases stands 3mm proud compared to the plate mount for the spin-on cases. I would be surprised if this cooler mount did not have a similar profile. Adding the adaptor plate requires either machining a relief groove in the plate or machining down the nose. Not hard, but not something to do with hand tools.
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Re: Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

Post by Clanky »

Thanks for the confirmation, Don.

I was uncertain if the older style filters had any internal differences that prevented the normal mod. I'll get sourcing some parts.


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Re: Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

Post by Nik »

Clanky wrote:Thanks for the confirmation, Don.

I was uncertain if the older style filters had any internal differences that prevented the normal mod. I'll get sourcing some parts.


I had this conversation with Y-Geo when he was here I seem to remember he said there was an aftermarket kit made for doing just that with some kind of adapter plate. I hope he chimes in at this point as I could have that the wrong way round.
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Re: Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

Post by Clanky »

Hi Nik,

Thanks for mentioning the kit. There were a couple of posts I found that listed the parts needed for the swap and I do remember reading about a kit someone had put together but I don't know if that's still available.

The part numbers for anyone interested are:

90401-20145-00 BOLT, UNION
3TJ-13461-00-00 PLATE, ADAPTOR (Like done Don said in his post above this will need some machining to fit)
93210-87723-00 O-RING
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Re: Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

Post by dru86 »

I actually did this swap with my fzr600. There's a hollow bolt that goes through the oil cooler adaptor that needs 3mm removed (part 7 on the first image). Apart from that all you need is part 1, 2, 3 & obviously 4 on the second image.


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Re: Spin on oil filter mod but with an oil cooler?

Post by Clanky »

Hi Dru,

Nice to know it worked for you. I will get round to this swap eventually but need to source the parts, just waiting to get them at the right price!
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