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haunter wrote:the 95 forks are better and should be a straight swap
I checked with All Balls. The bearings I need are 22mm X 40mm X 12mm. They said nobody makes that size because the wall thickness gets too thin. I also checked Boca online and they don't have them either.DonTZ125 wrote:Option 4 - get bearings that match the bearing socket of the '91 wheel and the '95 axle. The '91 uses #6203, the '95 uses #6004 series bearings. Go to the local bearing house (check your yellow pages - or the local NAPA Parts store might have them) and ask for #6204 bearings. Wheel bearings get splashed with water a lot, so you'll want the 'Double rubber seal' version. If all they have is single-seal, install them with the seal out.