
After: Well kind of... I just slapped the fairings on... I still have a few things to change, but the seat has been recovered by a good friend, and everything is super strong now

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I just finished it yesterday... but no... Herculiner is meant to be durable. Once its cured It doesn't rub off and is pretty tough... it doesn't get malleable or gooey when its hot. You are right it will probably get warm... I live in Ohio so not too warm. I thought about maybe doing the red herculiner next summer if I get bored. It came out awesome though!ragedigital wrote:Does the liner rub off on your clothes when it gets warm? Not sure where you live, but that has to be a HOT bike after being in the sun a bit.
Good luck with that. I'm pretty sure that the only way to remove that stuff will melt the plastics as well. You'll be buying new plastics instead.xxtokesxx wrote:I thought about maybe doing the red herculiner next summer if I get bored.
You are right... chances are I would likely just over this base if I decided to do another herculiner color.cad600 wrote:Good luck with that. I'm pretty sure that the only way to remove that stuff will melt the plastics as well. You'll be buying new plastics instead.xxtokesxx wrote:I thought about maybe doing the red herculiner next summer if I get bored.
Could be right... who knowskilika2 wrote:I bet it's going to be murder to wash. Bugs in every crevasse. But I bet there aren't any others like it.
It will look good... I'm waiting to see how the sun affects it down the road. They say it could fade, but they make a conditioner for it to bring back the luster. If it fairs well on the fairings I might take everything off and do the entire frame as well... The Original owner painted the frame black and didn't do too good of a job.haunter wrote:Ive been thinking about doing that to the frame of my 600......
Honestly, since the frame is powdercoated all you would need to do is make sure you sand it down a bit. If it were up to me though... and if I had the bike completely apart I would get it blasted & powdercoated. Since this is my first bike, i'm not all too concerned. You shouldn't have to do too much work though... i mean, its meant for truck beds and high traffic areas... it should be good. I'll let you know how it does this summer for sure... I'll leave the bike out on a hot day and see what the results are too.haunter wrote:yeah a real PITA to remove Im sure
the lack serious prepwork compared to paint is what makes it tempting