Carbs bleeding down after running

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Carbs bleeding down after running

Post by Bmansfzr600 »

Hi all, my fzr has developed a new prob as of late 2 of my 4 carbs will seriously bleed down after the bike has run for a few min. Bike starts running like crap then dies. Then u can hear them guzzling and bleeding down. It alternates when it does this between the 2 carbs. One will forcefully bleed down for about 3 sec then the other does the same thing and it repeats until all 4 carbs are empty. The bike is off. Fuel pump is off. I found this Cuzz I heard it. Pulled the tank off quickly, pulled the pod filters off the clutch lever side of the bike(cylinders 1 and 2) and physically saw them bleeding down and alternating between the 2 and filling my cylinders full of fuel. Any thoughts? Or anybody else with this problem?
Thanks :swear
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Re: Carbs bleeding down after running

Post by pefrey »

That sounds like one of more float needles are stuck open.
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