shift light and gear indicator light

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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by VanceW »

I'm just not a very electrical oriented person. That kind of stuff usually leaves me stumped. I looked at that link you provided to figure out what the display unit would be called to search ebay to see price ranges for them. Maybe radioshack or similar sells a seven segment display like that I can use. I just don't know how they work, like how to wire it up. If I would have to use resisters or something to make position "x" read out as a three or whatever its supposed to be. Maybe once I find one locally the store I buy it from can shed some light. If not I may have to pic your brain a little.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by DonTZ125 »

I'm actually reading up on 7-segment display drivers as we speak / write; it's actually straightforward if you're prepared to use a PCB or proto board. If Darren can't get the 'Zuk piece to work in a FZR mount, I may have a few ideas. The problem is that the Suzuki piece (and thus Darren's design basis) is a voltage divider, while the FZR version is simply 6 (7 counting neutral) separate contacts to ground. The hardest part I think with the Suzuki piece will be the center contact.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by VanceW »

Ok, now I'm really confused. Haha.
I see that the suzuki has a center contact. behind the fzr sensor there is no middle point. Theres a screw in the center of the piece that has the ball that moves around the outside but our sensor only has the one (neutral) point.
I was literally just trying to figure out why there was a center contact point on the suzuki version.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by ragedigital »

Yeah, 7 segment displays usually require a microcontroller to operate properly - at least that's what I use. Each segment is a separate circuit of LEDs. To have a specific order of them light up requires something that can turn on multiple segments at one time.

My issue is that I don't have an FZR here to test it out. If anyone could make the unit function, it would be Don. I doubt he wants to spend the cash to make it work - he might be bored though. I have a spare Suzuki Gear Position Switch and Yamaha switch here that I would send him for nothing. I may also have an old test display unit for him to play with as well.

That center contact is GROUND and there is a wire attached directly to it.

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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by VanceW »

The fzr only has one wire going to the sensor, the contact point for neutral. There is no wire feeding ground path to the part that rotates.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by DonTZ125 »

Correct; there is also no set of 6 wires coming OUT from the sensor. This will take significant modifying to make it work

I'm rummaging around on the Mouser website, looking at 7-segment drivers. Most of them will accept a binary-coded input, which would be quite simple with the 6 contacts going to ground. Some pull-up resistors and NAND gates feeding the driver, then inline resistors to the 7-seg display - I won't say "Too easy", but it certainly isn't insurmountable.

On the 3rd or 4th page of the YZF link above, there was a template for machining your own 6+N GPS switch in the FZR/YZF form, so no tracing or re-drawing should be necessary.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by ragedigital »

VanceW wrote:The fzr only has one wire going to the sensor, the contact point for neutral. There is no wire feeding ground path to the part that rotates.
I don't believe it matters. The brass piece attached to the shift drum should already be touching ground which will complete the circuit.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by VanceW »

Those displays are the same as in clocks, right? Could I just take apart an old digital clock and try to rig it up the way I want? I'm sure its one long board instead of multiple small ones but couldn't they be separated and already have most the stuff I need, just wire it up right?

Just trying to figure out if it already is grounded why yours had a center ground point then?
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by DonTZ125 »

tclayton9 wrote:Thanks guys :tks: that was a lot of important info. you guys are life savers. Now that the gear indicator is out of the way, how would I do the shift light. I know It has something to do with the tacometer. Do I just wire it straight to the wire that controls the rev limiter or something
This got a little overlooked in the GPS discussion. As I mentioned, every shift light is different. Also, there is no rev limiter on the FZRs, unless you've ordered one of mine or some other brand. My rev limiter is just a speed switch, and I can easily modify it for use as a shift light driver.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by ragedigital »

VanceW wrote:Just trying to figure out if it already is grounded why yours had a center ground point then?
VanceW wrote:The fzr only has one wire going to the sensor, the contact point for neutral. There is no wire feeding ground path to the part that rotates.
The SUZUKI provides a GROUND for the circuit through that center wire.

The FZR uses the shift cam (drum) as GROUND. That is why the FZR only has the one wire.
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Re: shift light and gear indicator light

Post by tclayton9 »

thank you so much
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