FZR600 Rear Tire Help

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FZR600 Rear Tire Help

Post by LXnastynotch93 »

Hey all, I've been doing a ton of searching online for a 150/60/18 rear tire for my '97 FZR600. I've read a couple threads on here, among other forums, about which tires to buy. However, many of those threads are several years old and the tire manufacturers don't make tires that fit anymore.

So far the only manufacturer that makes a matching front and rear set that fit is Shinko, in particular the 006 Podium. I have my reservations about Shinko, as I had the 005 Advance on my CBR600 F2 and I thought they were pretty much garbage. Is there ANYTHING that's not crazy expensive that will fit the rear 18" rim of the FZR? Thanks for your help!
M in KC
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Re: FZR600 Rear Tire Help

Post by M in KC »

Rear tires for our stock rear rims continue to become an increasing larger issue each year that goes by. You can stuff a 150/70/18 back there although you do noticeabely raise the rear of the bike. I'm running what seems to be one of the last BT-023's out there. If, if you can find one I have a favorable review of them. As far as price goes Shinko's are your bottom dollar tire there. Some have reported favorable results with the 006's other not. Sorry I have no input there. Otherwise Avon, has a couple of offerings in the 150/60/18 but they are more expensive.

If you are planning on hanging onto your fizz for a while I would suggest that you look into the YZF swingarm/rear wheel swap. That will give you a 17" rear wheel and a multitude of tire options.
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Re: FZR600 Rear Tire Help

Post by LXnastynotch93 »

What does Avon have in that size? The AM26 Road Riders I can find only come in 150/70.
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Re: FZR600 Rear Tire Help

Post by M in KC »

My bad you are right, the Avons are 150/70's in their Venom and Storm 2 Ultras, the only other 150/60 that I saw was Dunlops D251 which I sure you found as well. You can trying calling your local MC shops to see if they have any NOS 150/60's in thier invetories.
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Re: FZR600 Rear Tire Help

Post by LXnastynotch93 »

I might just go with the 70 then. Any disadvantages besides the fact that it raises the rear? I can already flatfoot the bike, so height isn't a huge issue for me.
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FZR600 Rear Tire Help

Post by Redoliander »

The only thing I have found is my rear hugger won't fit with the 150/70.
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