So, this happened quite a while ago when I was loading the FZR onto a truck to take to the Yamaha technicians for them to inspect it. Long story short, Tiedowns were improperly placed and caused the front fairing to literally tear it'self apart (cracked all the way through) . There is now a slight crack/tear about 2 inches or about 5cm long. I thought nothing of it until the paint began to chip off. So I decided to repair the crack. So my understanding is that the FZR's use ABS plastic? And to fix it all I have to do is use some ABS cement on the backside of the fairing and wait for it to melt/fuse together? I'm going to be using some touch up paint after the ABS cement to stop any further chipping. Is this the way to go?
"If a man can build it, I can take it apart and sometimes even put it back together and fix it" --Unknown
"'I wish none of this had happened.' 'So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.....'" J.R.R. Tolkien