The RC51 LED integrated tail light....fits 99 up to about 06 I think. I found mine on Ebay for under $10 shipped. I did have to remove the black bezel surround( it's just clipped on)

The Radiator scoops...I just guessed at this since I had no part dimensions to work off of. I used a set of scoops for a 04-05 YZ250.

The lower rearward mount hole on the scoops bolts directly to the the factory fairing mount tab on the frame(choke lever housing on the opposite side). I made some brackets to attach the front lower scoop holes to the lower tabs on the radiator.
I then cut down the factory air intake tubes and pivoted them down and along the inside if the upper scoop line. I welded bracket ears to the tubes and bolted them to the upper tabs on the radiator.
I had to drill and tap the holes for the upper rear bolt holes in the scoops in the frame( just behind the air intake ports). I had to install stand-off spacers between the scoop and frame for a little clearance...about 1/2".
Finally I drilled through the top area of the scoops that overlaps the air tubes, I also drilled and tapped the tubes in the same location for bolts to hold the upper "wing" section of the scoop from flapping in the breeze.
It's pretty solid and should hold up for quite some time.
I forgot to mention....With the aftermarket tail on this, the radiator overflow bottle was gone and the tube was routed down between the frame and swingarm.
Since the radiator cap is a real pain to get to under the tank cover, I had to add an overflow bottle. I found a square R/C airplane fuel tank (about 3-1/2"x5") in my stash of old R/C stuff that worked perfect mounted to the top of the subframe just in front of the tail light. It's hidden under the tail, but above the frame and the coolant level is visible when looking at it from the underside. Proof that you never know when you may need to use keep everything! LOL