Short list of parts wanted thus far

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Kenny two guns
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Short list of parts wanted thus far

Post by Kenny two guns »

For my 95 fzr 600
1. Factory threaded black bar ends
2. original or aftermarket windscreen preferably smoke/tinted
3. upper main headlight fairing in good shape
4. newer tires front and rear
5. quick acceleration chain & sprocket set or very good condition stock set

This is the short list more to add I'm sure. Let me know what you have and factor shipping to 19061 zip code.

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Re: Short list of parts wanted thus far

Post by thatkid »

I can do the quick acceleration kit and I believe the tires.
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Kenny two guns
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Re: Short list of parts wanted thus far

Post by Kenny two guns »

Thatkid, that would be great! Please keep in mind the chain/sprocket kit & tires would be 2 separate transactions as funding is limited.. Also, ordered bar ends last night, I was being particular & I wanted the threaded variety like stock.. Thanks in advance..

1995 Yamaha FZR600
1992 Kawasaki EX500
Kenny two guns
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Re: Short list of parts wanted thus far

Post by Kenny two guns »

Thatkid, could you qive me a quote on a Lockhart Phillips dark smoke windscreen as well with new fasteners ? I assume the quality is comparable to a Zero Gravity screen.
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Re: Short list of parts wanted thus far

Post by thatkid »

Sadly I can't get anything from LP for the fzr. They only stock newer bike parts these days. They go back as far as 02 I think. Heh. The acceleration kit is 235 shipped. Comes with a supersprox rear sprocket, counter sprocket and the high end rk chain. This kit is about 50 more than what I can get the vortex kit for but will last about 3 times longer. And the supersprox just looks pimp.
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Kenny two guns
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Re: Short list of parts wanted thus far

Post by Kenny two guns »

Thatkid. Thanks for the quote. Still quite a bit of work to do to get the bike running as it should. Little by little I will be ordering product. I'd prefer to order it from you vs. a big giant company so please bear with me..

1995 Yamaha FZR600
1992 Kawasaki EX500
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