Petcock questions.

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Petcock questions.

Post by Hamaya »

First, my petcock doesn't have the two filters that extend into the tank. Is there an aftermarket source for these? I might go fishing in my tank to see if they're sitting in there or something.
Edit: Found the filters.

Second, I found a small spring in the line going into my petcock for the primary tank. Is this spring part of something? I can't figure that one out.

Aah, the joys of working on a 21 year old motorcycle...

Edit: I shit you not. Look what I found floating in my gas tank:

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Re: Petcock questions.

Post by DonTZ125 »

Congratulations on finding the outlet screens; your RESERVE tap will now have a function.I think the spring is just more shrapnel that Zippy let fall into the tank. The missing outlet screen allowed it to fall into the port, and along the hose it went.

Now, if you'd found the WRENCH in the hose, I would've been impressed! :yikes:
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Re: Petcock questions.

Post by Hamaya »

I wish it had been a wrench. Nothing like free tools!
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Re: Petcock questions.

Post by pefrey »

LOL that glove was in your gas tank? Wow, that's a first.
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