I was heading down hill in 3 gear and went to shift to forth and it reved up and didnt catch, so I shifted back to third and same thing and so forth as a slowed down and finally stopped. I pulled off to the side of the road and started the bike engine sounded fine, went to put it in first, released the clutch and all it did was rev up, no power to the wheel. I thought I had burnt my clutch so I pulled the plates out they look fine to me, they are black and smell like oil not really burnt ( but then again i dont really know what a burnt clutch smells like). I can run my finger across the plates and fill the indentions between the lil squares. so i dont know what wrong.
I use my bike pretty much every day.. what could it be?... I looked at the clutch plates as I pulled in the clutch lever and it would move in and out. so im kinda of stuck , it wont catch any gears, and i can push the bike as its in gear and i hear a scratching sound does anyone have suggestions let me know