I saw the posting that was put up by match417 about carburators, and I am going to look at that tonight.
One thing it started to do is leak fuel from the left side where the choke goes in and out. Also, when I got it off the bike, I saw that there was fuel in the riser directly below that carburator on the left side. Not just a little fuel, it was half full. I had to use a couple of rags to get it out of there.
It has become unpredictable when trying to start it. And, once I am able to get it started, it only idles at a normal range for a few moments, and then it goes directly to very high rpms on it's own accord. I have not done anything to the idle setting, this is just something that started happening. The bike does not go back to a normal idle, I have to just turn it off.
I have included some pictures. Any input would be appreciated.