The FZR Chassis waiting to be stripped:

Lots of junk that is never going back on the bike:

Engine looking for a home:

The main problem.... The rear mount for the XR650 is designed to be on the same axis as the swingarm pivot:

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Thanks nicrod,nicrod wrote:that bad ass dude! I wanna see your subframe design.
also why that engine?
I like the XR600 engine, and the aircooling would definitely simplify things, but I'm thinking I'll need the watercooling for the very compact cylinder head design I'll be testing.Bike_junkie wrote:Awesome. I want to do something similar but use an xr600 to have the kickstart and aircooled. My guess is that an xr engine has many upgrade options, its lighter than the 4cylinder, it has plenty of torque, and will run forever if maintained.
*edit* And from the pictures it looks like the sprocket will be close to lining up.
I thought about an extension for the kickstart shaft, but I'm not sure I want to use a folding footpeg that it would require..... Maybe I'll rethink it, although it'll be quite the beast to kick over once I punch it out to 680cc and drop in a high compression piston.Bike_junkie wrote:I fully understand the reasoning behind going for liquid cooled. For me it would be a project for simplicity, air cooled, maybe a cam, and custom exhaust on a pretty stock motor. Light, fun reliable. Plus I have dealt with the kicker issue on other bikes, To get it to clear the frame I would make an extension for the kicker shaft and support it using either a heim joint or a bearing mounted to the frame.
tgold wrote: Easy to ride..... Just rev it till your balls tingle and shift!