Last year bought my FZR 600 and i've been really happy with it so far!
Got a couple of issues with it thought...i hope someone here can help me shed some light on the situation.
Here's the deal:
At hig revs, say from 8000 to 9000 rpm, there's a loss of power.
The acceleration diminishes significantly but the power comes back just after 9000rpm and from there on it's fine.
Also on when you let go of the throttle it occasionally stalls, this has only happend twice and it's ONLY on the overrun from high rpm:s, say 7000rpm+.
Yesterday it developed some sputtering/engine hesitation.
This occurs on at low revs, from above idle to 3k and then it runs just fine.
Now, i suspect that this might be the sparkplugs so i'm going to start with changing those to eliminate that possibility.
The engine hesitation is what leads me to suspect the plugs, it's exactly as when a cars plugs starts to go bad.
I doubt it's a carburettor issue since i thoroughly cleaned them last year and haven't used the bike since. Also i adjusted the idle revs and cleaned em up this year so hopefully they're not the issue.
It starts and idles just fine, no problems at all.
What makes me doubt that it is the plugs is the lack of starting issues and the pwr loss on high rpms.
Any thoughts?

Edit: It's a 1991 model

Edit 2: Also synced carbs last year