Anyone explain this problem??

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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by ramster »

Gizzard1533 wrote:
Someone suggested the ignition coils and a dodgy connection, this sounded plausable to me as i have to use a fair bit of strength to get the thing on, which leads me to believe that wrestling the airbox on knocks a connection, and as i pull it off i relieve the pressure on the coils allowing them to run properly?? Does that sound logical to you??
Hey, You did mention "If the poxy english weather will hold off"

You could well have electrical problems I.E. poor corroded connections.


Stock UK Jets sizes E.T.C.

Main Jet 107.5

Starter Jet 52.5

Pilot Jet 30

Main Air Jet 65

Pilot Air jet 112.5

Jet needle/clip position 5CFZ4/2 Position 1 is the top of the needle (fat end)

Needle Jet Y-O

Pilot screw 3 turns out

Stock float height is 22mm, measured from the carb body to the float base (obviously whilst the carbs are inverted). Who wants to reassemble their carbs fill them up with fuel, then adjust time and time again? Think of the poor rubber gaskets :)

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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by Gizzard1533 »

The wiring loom went under a full reconstruction not long before the bike was taken off the road so i dont think it is a corroded connection, although i am going to check out the connections on my coils.

Cheers for the information on carbs, now just gotta find a supplier, the only ones on ebay are from the states. Hopefully my usual one stocks them :thumbsup:
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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by Gizzard1533 »

had a quick look at the main and starter jet and there both standard size, got the day off tomorrow so im going to be checking out the rest of the carb and needles, if they are all the stock size i shall be setting the carbs up to 'standard' and then go from there..

Anyone got any tips on what i should do, if everything is as standard???
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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by SouthendChris »

Once it's all back together, including the airbox, you can check for manifold leaks by letting it idle and spraying WD40/easystart around the carbs, if the idle goes up by its own then there is defo a manifold leak.

Have you hooked the fuel pump up to a battery to double check its working ok? Checked the feed wire with ignition on? Checked it's not just running but can pump?

Did you do a plug chop to see if the plugs are all the same colour?

Clutching at straws really :headscratch:
1990 3LN3 FZR250 - back in safe hands :) ... 41e9_b.jpg
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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by Gizzard1533 »

SouthendChris wrote:Once it's all back together, including the airbox, you can check for manifold leaks by letting it idle and spraying WD40/easystart around the carbs, if the idle goes up by its own then there is defo a manifold leak.

Have you hooked the fuel pump up to a battery to double check its working ok? Checked the feed wire with ignition on? Checked it's not just running but can pump?

Did you do a plug chop to see if the plugs are all the same colour?

Clutching at straws really :headscratch:
I shall be checking for manifold leaks once carbs are back on but the boots look solid with no crack so not sure about that one.

the fuel pump, pumps as when the carbs are hooked up it cut out after a few seconds, to me if it wasn't pumping it would never shut off???

I haven't pulled the plugs as that involves pulling the rad out and aint got any more coolant to use.
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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by SouthendChris »

From what you have described it is getting the initial 'pump' when you turn the ignition on. This is going to dump quite a bit of fuel into the bowls, enough to idle it for 5 mins or a run around the block. It sounds like the pump isnt running anymore after that!? On the occasions the bike has died have you tried to drain a carb or two to see if fuel comes out???

On my 250 the fuel pump was controlled by a relay which is switched by the ECU. It comes on for 5secs when ignition on then again when ecu detects engine runing. I don't have my 600 sadly so I dont know if its the same. I can remember that the fuel pump primes again when the kill switch is turned on and off.

I did sort of have to bleed the system on my 250 when I replaced the fuel filter. I kept having to turn the igntion on & off (without starting the engine) to fill the fuel filter, when it was full (ish) it would then draw more fuel. Baffled me as to why it was like that :whistle

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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by DonTZ125 »

The 600 has the same prime-pause-pump cycle as the 250.

You can pull the rad down out of the way of the plugs without popping the hoses off.
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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by ramster »

DonTZ125 wrote:The 600 has the same prime-pause-pump cycle as the 250.

You can pull the rad down out of the way of the plugs without popping the hoses off.
True, but don't leave the Rad hanging on the hose's. I use cable ties to support the Rad.

You may also want to turn the steering to either left or right lock, otherwise the rad hanging down may scratch the mudguard, ask me how I know :whistle
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Re: Anyone explain this problem??

Post by Gizzard1533 »

SouthendChris wrote:From what you have described it is getting the initial 'pump' when you turn the ignition on. This is going to dump quite a bit of fuel into the bowls, enough to idle it for 5 mins or a run around the block. It sounds like the pump isnt running anymore after that!? On the occasions the bike has died have you tried to drain a carb or two to see if fuel comes out???

I had fuel in my float bowls when i whipped the carbs off last night.

I shall have to check the plugs when it aint bloody raining, its been raining here for every day since bank holiday monday!!!
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