Single pod tuning

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Single pod tuning

Post by yamaha_george »

well it seems that I am suffering from a very senior moment with regards this solution as I did this trick back in the '80's


you can see the grey tube from the cab to pods, that are the same length as the rubbers from air box to carb.and had forgotten it DOH

Here is aquote from another list :

, "dr.fatblunt" <dr.fatblunt@...> wrote:
> SORTED!!!!!! wooooohooo!!!! well guys dunno what to say, thanks for all the replys and to evryone who offered up some advice, but i got her done!!!
and she runs sweet as a nut using the PODS!!!! after much messin, changing the mains, adjusting needle hight, mixture, exhaust systems!!! etc etc!!
the solution was remarkably simple, while looking at all tha bits of fzr strewn around my shop, one of the original airbox rubbers caught my eye, well after pickin up said rubber and looking more closely it became apparent to me that it resembled a rubber velocity stack,

which got me thinking, long story short, bowl of warm water, can of three in 1 oil, firm but gentle hand, i shoved the bell mouth end of the original stock carb to airbox rubber inside the k&N, and refittted them, as by magic no more hole in the power band!!!! running #110 mains, 2, 1/2 turns out on mixture, stock end can! AWESOME!!!! pulls like a good un!!!! so much so however now my clutch is letting go @10k!!!! ahhh well always summat!!!! cheers everyone!!

p.s. i had to trim down the rubber lip/rim/ring that runs round the middle of the rubbers holding them in place on the airbox, using some snips and a rasp to finish off, gives the k&n mouth summat to sit nicely on!
the needle number is, its listed in the kit as DNT701, the kit number is E4126.002, sorry i cant be more spacific, i just used what was provided in the kit.
UNQUOTE :udaman

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Re: Single pod tuning

Post by yamaha_george »

KnN has options for velocity stacks inside their filters:

This was posted by Originally by Olie05 when I forgot to lock a GH & Guru topic., so I re-posted it here in the open discussion area
THANK YOU Ollie I never knew K & N did those, trouble with living on a small island when doing research without an internet connection worth a damn.
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Re: Single pod tuning

Post by Nick Howe »

I am looking into doing this mod with some radiator tubing or perhaps some kitchen tubing from the wonderful land of HomeDepot
I am not privileged to have an extra airbox laying around anymore and my bike is sitting with uni pods, so i would love to have a simple fix of these stacks
the bike is non-exup, and seemed to be well set up (K&N pods, 118mains 2.5 out Dynojet kit needle 3/6, yosh slip on) by the p.o. :cheers:
before he let it be lein-sold :yuck:
How thick are the inside diameters of the stock airbox stacks?
How tall are they? And would they benefit from being staggered like on the modern velocity stacks (taller insides and slightly shorter outsides)

If someone can get me those two dimensions, Ill have a set or three made up for testing (out of various materials and of different lengths) by the end of the week.
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Re: Single pod tuning

Post by mk2davis »

This is of interest to me as well. I have a 400, and would love to know the length of the stock runners on the airbox. I'd guess an inch, but probably better to ask.
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Re: Single pod tuning

Post by yamaha_george »

the most likely person to have the length of the carb to airbox boot length and inner diameter is THATKID.
I thought I had it noted some where but darned if i can find it. Ping Nate and ask him ...............
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