My switch gear are all worn and faded so wanted to respray them, but could not find the decals for fzr switches
took a chance on some decals listed as "Yamaha rd350 ypvs, rz250r ypvs switch gear decals" on UK ebay
they arrived in the post today and are an almost perfect match lettering is a tiny bit bigger but apart from that
they are a perfect match Si
the best thing i've found in the past on my old TZR125 i had years ago was simply white nail varnish for the lettering as it last for years applied with the finest brush with real care(or letraset transfers). It's the sort of job you can do in the front room wi' the TV on and a beer. as for the casings, a buff up with a buffy ball on a drill (carefully) and back to black plastic shine.
Paint on the black casing will look tatty quickly as you rub it off around the buttons with a gloved thumb.