I'm itching for a winter build.. I've been distracted with home projects for the past 2 years and put in a home theater and finished the basement. While that satisfied my need to build, those projects are done and i want to get a build going. I've been looking around for an older 1970 bikes i could cafe.. Or an early triumph to build a Bobber.. I just gotta build something.
What are you working on? Throw up your winter build, no matter what it is, a home project, a car build or stripping down your FZR.
This is also something i was considering.. A kikker build
me I will be getting my spine rebuilt with any luck, other than that it will be some kind of desk top project no bending required such as a DATA logger, DIY GPS Logger, robotic oojarkapiv.
Got keep this grey stuff working and sitting on my A**e is not something I relish. If you were in the UK I would give you Yellow Peril to finish off for me LoL
moving house hopefully, then think it's strip the blade and sort the silly head race out that won't stay tight, clean it up then probably tidy up the old gs125 for my dad! oh and see what else i can fill my new garage with!
Fzr400 3tj x2
fzr400 3en1 (17in conversion) now gone its way in parts!
'94 cbr 900rr
YG it must have hurt just looking at the picture of a hard tail. Those are not for anyone with a bad back,
. In fact it helps create them. Keep busy and get well my friend, you have a lot of riding and wrenching left to do.
Taggy, good luck with the move! Sounds like you have garage plans already, good luck filling it. I have been shuffling bikes over the past few years and the Harley may be looking for a new home soon.
Installing my twin clicker when it gets back from being rebuilt
Also, 520 chain kit(still debating on size, feel free to pm with help/tips/suggestions), installing my new fairings, recovering the seats(possibly re-padding or adding more padding) and repainting the entire bike.
Hmm, I'll play. Been cleaning up an old 1/8th scale nitro buggy to mess around with. Been toying with the idea of ditching the plastic body and brazing up a tube cage for it. Being in SoCal, I can ride in the winter so I'll dig the bike out and do a service and put some miles on it (been occupied with other stuff so it is currently garage art). But who knows??
Duane... Bike: 1994 Yamaha FZR 1000 EXUP
Factory Pro Stage 1 Jetting | K&N Filter | Corbin Seat | ProTek Keyless Gas Cap | GSXR Mirrors My Thread Cage:
2005 Saab 9-7x 5.3i Arc AWD
I'll be doing a bit of fiber glass work making a custom seat pan and rear mounts for my fairings.nothing fits since I cut the frame and pinched it in. café bikes are sweet,I had made one from a76 cb750 super sport. Bada@#
Ive done zero maintence on my bikes this season other then changing the oil. So i have a lot of catching up to do. Plugs, carbs, forks, springs, jets, exhaust, etc etc etc.
Sweek, I'm just pissed you get to ride all year. I would never have a winter project! RC cars are bad ass, i haven't built one in years but we had fun whne my kids had more time.. That is the cool thing about being a dad is you get to play with the toys over and over.. All for the kids (of course)
This will be my first winter where I can't ride year round. I won't know what to do with myself and my friends garage isn't exactly spacious. I do need to change the oil, fix an intermittent cylinder drop, and realign the forks but I'm having too much fun finishing off my front tire before it gets too cold to enjoy riding
Will, might wanna update your location there bub..
Old School, Winter riding isn't all what it's cracked up to be. I keep my bike and ride normally in and around Lancaster/Palmdale/Rosemond/Tehachapi, CA. Winter days are sometimes 35-40 and windy-not cold enough by some standard but it's not always fun to ride in. The R/C is something my nephew and i can do together. Gonna get him one as well along with an R/C plane or 2. Should be fun.
Duane... Bike: 1994 Yamaha FZR 1000 EXUP
Factory Pro Stage 1 Jetting | K&N Filter | Corbin Seat | ProTek Keyless Gas Cap | GSXR Mirrors My Thread Cage:
2005 Saab 9-7x 5.3i Arc AWD
"If a man can build it, I can take it apart and sometimes even put it back together and fix it" --Unknown
"'I wish none of this had happened.' 'So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.....'" J.R.R. Tolkien
Sweek, I should have stated I'm a bitch. under 50 I'm not riding. I have friends that try to get me to do Fall rides when it's cold and I won't go. It's just not fun for me. Same with rain. With the nice weather in the north east I'm still riding every weekend and taking the bike occasionally to work. Getting as much in as I can.
Genisis, do you have a build thread going? I'm wanta see pics! So I was thinking about doing a winter fzr build and sell it in the spring. Just because I'm familiar with the FZR and could knock one out fairly easily. Unless I find a great bike, really cheap I'm gonna try something new.