trifgeorge wrote:This my topic. That means that this is the place where i will post updates and mod that i will do to my bike and to other bikes.
You all can say what ever you guys want about the things i do no matter if it's good or bad. All the comments are appreciated!
So i'll start with my fiberglass Moto GP muffler wrapped in carbon fiber style vinyl.
Looks good but it worries me that it sounds like there is no metal in the big diameter?
If it is all f'glass construction the heat of the exhaust gases will cause the f'glass to burn and Vinyl is VERY nasty on the skin if melting !!
A friend had a Carbon can and that toasted quit well inside 3 months, he got a replacement under warranty,which we promptly took apart and lined with a 24 g alloy sheet rolled as a tube liner, looks real good 18 months later no toasting/bubbling any place
Personally I would use a big metal diameter and then space a second skin off that by say 1/16 to 1/8 inch off with very thin sheet alloy and wrap that in the Vinyl sheet. Any one looking at it will have to look real close to spot the skin and the air passing between skins when moving will keep the vinyl cool.
Just me thinking out loud.................................