after getting the bike i dumped back in working order i had a few mins to start tearing down my motor and it was all going swell set the head down on the front desk to go get a magnet to start recording the shim placement then a customer drops his bike off and his kid picked the head up and was looking at it out of curiosity and all 16 shims and buckets hit the ground and scatter... i just wanted to strangle the little bastard but what are you gonna do besides jack his bill up

: .....
about what you would expect from a bike than ran super rich and the PO only ran sunco 94 in it
looks like 2 cylinders ran a touch lean probably due to the cracked manifold boots
gotta love how nasty this carb cleaner is just a simple spray no scrubbing reguired
after a quick hone cylinders look to be in decent shape
got up to this point when i sat out front getting ready to do the shim math waiting for some one to drop there bike off
after that little bastard dropped the shims and buckets every were i just took a deep breath picked them up hit the lights and went home

i think im gonna go with a metallic green its a toss up between synergry green on the 2010 camaros, hotwheels coolant green, and oh so sassy witch is like a emrald green.
so i sat down and brain stormed about what i want on the tank so i drew up some rough sketches from my water bottle inspiration
still have have some more ideas floating around in my head i have to put to paper but we will see what gets painted