my slow fzr builds

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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

FINALLY after the rush of fixing countless snowblowers, taking care of the car maintenance a few laptop builds and a few cellphone modifications, upgrading the light in the garage and a nice 75 mile long ride on the kz440 and building ever one elses shit, i FINALLY had five minutes to my self and just make some progress

heres what we started with tonight


few minutes later motors out



then the wiring and inner rear fender gauge/headlight assembly, tail light



now the rust thats gotta be attended to




not sure if im gonna powder coat the frame (let alone what color it would be) cus i plan on smoothing alot of shit out and filling in those useless frame pocket/dent things and some other useless holes. still gotta get a better idea of how its gonna look all said and done im just flying by the seat of my pants with the 96' cus i was gonna chop the tail and make it naked but since the 90' has a damaged tail that ones gonna be hacked up instead might just say f*ck it and make them both fighters idk just yet, stay tuned and find out
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

riding season is fast approaching and with the starting my own shop and word got out that i build fast bikes so ive ben pretty busy building a few vintage bikes a suzuki t500, gt550 and rl250 off the top of my head and building a nasty monster of a vulcan 1500/1600 meanstreak hybrid motor heres a teaser pic of the new valves against a meanstreak valve Image

started doing the body work to smooth the pocket and holes out and cut the bracket off to make the frame nice and clean looking.

my welder was thinking im pry better off epoxying the large pocket and small holes and welding up the large hole since its just cosmetic any ways but we will see how that goes
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

not much progress being made sadly, im so damn busy with my shop and fixing every one els's bike i have just about zero time for mine but the large pockets are filled in and just need final sanding still have to weld up the holes but il get around to that soon enough, but on a side not just picked up another project bike :roll: (just what i need another project bike to add to the list of 9 current projects of mine) a nice complete 1974 suzuki t500 all it cost me was 2 hours of my time to put a set of head gaskets in a gt380,



this bike is giving me some inspiration but not sure about the fairing but that kinda makes the cafe racer look


most of the chrome (that im gonna keep) cleans up nicely, i have 5 or 6 parts bike that i can swap parts from so it should be a nice turn around on this bike. back to the lab i guess lol
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

so i had 5 mins to spare so i slapped on the final coat to fill in all the air bubbles and low spots, im already liking the rough results of the nice semi smooth frame rail.

that hole will get welded up as soon as i get some free time and space at my shop to bring it up and work on it but it seems like i finish one bike and 3 more show up and i got 7 really extensive builds not including my 6 project bikes and with nice weather its hard to find the motivation to wrench on my stuff when id rather be out riding, and i really just wanna say f*ck it and slap them back together and ride them, but i wont be happy with the results. its a catch 22 really i bitch cus its taking so long and id bitch about them not being done if i slapped them back together. i swear these bikes are never gonna be finished
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

haven't really made much progress, took a pretty decent low side spill and i finally got motivated to make some progress so i moved my 96 to my shop and started the tear down and inspection process and powder coated the coolant pipes to light the fire under my ass to make some progress


gotta love that gloss black
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by rotortech »


These days being busy is a good problem to have. Keep the pictures and updates coming.
Indianapolis, IN

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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

after getting the bike i dumped back in working order i had a few mins to start tearing down my motor and it was all going swell set the head down on the front desk to go get a magnet to start recording the shim placement then a customer drops his bike off and his kid picked the head up and was looking at it out of curiosity and all 16 shims and buckets hit the ground and scatter... i just wanted to strangle the little bastard but what are you gonna do besides jack his bill up :whistle: .....

about what you would expect from a bike than ran super rich and the PO only ran sunco 94 in it

looks like 2 cylinders ran a touch lean probably due to the cracked manifold boots

gotta love how nasty this carb cleaner is just a simple spray no scrubbing reguired


after a quick hone cylinders look to be in decent shape

got up to this point when i sat out front getting ready to do the shim math waiting for some one to drop there bike off

after that little bastard dropped the shims and buckets every were i just took a deep breath picked them up hit the lights and went home lol.

i think im gonna go with a metallic green its a toss up between synergry green on the 2010 camaros, hotwheels coolant green, and oh so sassy witch is like a emrald green.

so i sat down and brain stormed about what i want on the tank so i drew up some rough sketches from my water bottle inspiration



still have have some more ideas floating around in my head i have to put to paper but we will see what gets painted
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by yamaha_george »

my wife came up with a simple solution when she ran the office for our shop, If I came into the office about some idiot owner hassling about nonsense or a an owners brat braking something she added aggravation tax to the bill.

She implemented the tax after some fool wanted his old worn out parts back so I pointed to the part tub and told him help himself, so he said I must hand them to him as he did not want to get greasy like me in a very condecending tone.

Well he got real dirty since I up ended the whole tub over his head, he complained but was told he had been trespassing at the time and accidents do happen on industrial premises. :whistle the officer concerned had his bike serviced with us so he knew that the guy must have been way off side for me to have "Allegedly" acted like that.
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

i love it haha, so how dose the aggravation tax work is it a percentage or a scaling flat rate depending on how bad they piss you off. his 15 min. slave cylinder and push rod swap turned into an hour project and a few extra days to get his bike back so i guess its fair lol
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

after a long day of work re-arranging and painting the shop i decided to blow off some steam and knock out a few things, i cleaned the pistons up and started blue printing the motor and balanced the piston wrist pin and cir clips out to 148.2 grams, just about finished the r6 shock swap just have to make everything all pretty and cut up some nicer looking spacers on my lathe once i get that trued up, and figure out what length to make the dog bones and figure out of i have to cut a part of the upper shock mounting bracket.

im not sure if i have to cut that circle portion of the bracket or not cus i dont think i dont think it will hit under riding conditions

fitted in there nicely

now you see it

now you dont

im not a welder but i play one on tv

now theirs no more holes

got a epic ebay deal on a trail tech endurance gauge cluster for 22 bux shipped cus they spelled the name all wrong, ordered a small batch of paint to test out witch color primer will look best cus the paper says it uses a 5.5 color primer but they sell a 4 witch is a gray and a 7 witch is a blackish gray primer, and that will give me a sample to go get a custom batch of powder coating media mixed up to color match, found some awesome plastic brake line that im gonna look into cus im not sure what fittings i can get cus its a harley davidson based product. gonna start on the body work tomorrow or when ever i get some free time
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

finally got a rolling chassis again, forgot what i did with the knuckle i had modified to fit the shock so i made another one, i left the bolts loose just to roll it around but i can pick the tail up almost and inch so i will have to look into why i have so much slop cus i dont really think loose bolts would cause that and i dont think i had to make any other spacers or bushings but we will see, and i have to figure out what length to cut the dog bones down to any body got any ideas what length gets it back to stock height ?
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by ragedigital »

Great thread going... love the pics and commentary. Keep it up!
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

had a super fun time rummaging through a good friends private junk yard for a set of triple tree's that would work i feel really honored cus this guy is a multi-millionaire and he saves it all for when hes working on his stuff and no one realyl gets to pick the yard, but i found i think is a maxima 700 750 something like that my fzr fits perfectly on


heres some nice teaser pics of this junk yard





there just soooooooo much stuff here theres over 2000 bikes there and that storage container is filled with h1's and h2's and a few more 2 strokes i drooled for about 3 hours and filled my back pack up full of goodies

got the triple tree home to find out that ignition switch mounts up perfectly for what i need so i can make it pop out the top of the helmet head light thats in the works


sadly those bars are 1 inch and not 7/8s but for free you cant complain


but im happy i found an alternative to the seca 2 triple trees specially one that has risers built in
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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

i got a bit bored and liked how the bike sat when it was propped up so i flipped around a kick stand i had laying around

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Re: my slow fzr builds

Post by racerd14666 »

i got the trail tech computer in the mail and im not to thrilled about it, its much smaller than i thought and no coolant or tach function witch the seller lied about but for penny's you really can be to mad at it other than the fact that its a glorified bicycle speedometer, but it dose fit the helmet pretty well


idk im still up in the air about using it i might look for something els not really sure just yet
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