tony wrote:what we need george is a 1k swinger sent to me free of charge and i will take measurements pictures of both ,i will strip down and take picks and measure all spacers and all that is needed for this swap this may be the best way as i will have the stock 1k swinger to compare with
"what I need George is a 1k swinger sent to me free of charge "
sorry this is wrongly addressed besides i no longer have the beard in my Avatar , it really should read :-
what I want Father Christmas is a 1k swinger sent to me ,
I whole heartedly agree with your request Tony if you do talk to him ask him nicely for a Ohlins shock for my 600
tony wrote:what we need george is a 1k swinger sent to me free of charge and i will take measurements pictures of both ,i will strip down and take picks and measure all spacers and all that is needed for this swap this may be the best way as i will have the stock 1k swinger to compare with
"what I need George is a 1k swinger sent to me free of charge "
sorry this is wrongly addressed besides i no longer have the beard in my Avatar , it really should read :-
what I want Father Christmas is a 1k swinger sent to me ,
I whole heartedly agree with your request Tony if you do talk to him ask him nicely for a Ohlins shock for my 600
Y-G not F.C.
Dear Yamaha George, errr... Father Christmas,
Could you please send me some shiny new bodywork for my crashed 400? Oh, and when you do swing by on the 24th, could you adjust the valves in my 600 for me? I'll leave some milk and cookies out in the garage for you. For my hybrid, I was really hoping for a 400 frame that's in better shape than my current one (yes, the one I crashed). Oh wait, you're in the U.K., errr... North Pole so transferring the paperwork might be a hassle. Speaking of swingers, if you could round up a 3TJ RRSP swinger (you know, the one with spool bosses), I'll gladly trade you for my RR unit. Otherwise, I'll have to ask you to bring me another Pit Bull stand to use with the hybrid (I'd hate to have to put those lame ledge mounts on my current one everytime I need to raise the rear on the hybrid).
tony wrote:what we need george is a 1k swinger sent to me free of charge and i will take measurements pictures of both ,i will strip down and take picks and measure all spacers and all that is needed for this swap this may be the best way as i will have the stock 1k swinger to compare with
"what I need George is a 1k swinger sent to me free of charge "
sorry this is wrongly addressed besides i no longer have the beard in my Avatar , it really should read :-
what I want Father Christmas is a 1k swinger sent to me ,
I whole heartedly agree with your request Tony if you do talk to him ask him nicely for a Ohlins shock for my 600
Y-G not F.C.
Dear Yamaha George, errr... Father Christmas,
Could you please send me some shiny new bodywork for my crashed 400? Oh, and when you do swing by on the 24th, could you adjust the valves in my 600 for me? I'll leave some milk and cookies out in the garage for you. For my hybrid, I was really hoping for a 400 frame that's in better shape than my current one (yes, the one I crashed). Oh wait, you're in the U.K., errr... North Pole so transferring the paperwork might be a hassle. Speaking of swingers, if you could round up a 3TJ RRSP swinger (you know, the one with spool bosses), I'll gladly trade you for my RR unit. Otherwise, I'll have to ask you to bring me another Pit Bull stand to use with the hybrid (I'd hate to have to put those lame ledge mounts on my current one everytime I need to raise the rear on the hybrid).
I've been a good boy all year. I promise...
No you have not been good,you forgot the HIJACK thread smiley in your post so now i have had to split it !!!! Bad Boy
As to your request for spools on a 400 swing arm if you were agood boy and did your home work you would have read my site diligently the HOW To make spools and even your own rear paddock stand is there for all to read.
yamaha_george wrote: No you have not been good,you forgot the HIJACK thread smiley in your post so now i have had to split it !!!! Bad Boy
As to your request for spools on a 400 swing arm if you were agood boy and did your home work you would have read my site diligently the HOW To make spools and even your own rear paddock stand is there for all to read.
Shame on you
It wasn't a complete hijack! I mentioned swingarms in my "slight thread detour".
I'll look for the spool solution on your site. It's been a while since I've visited anyways.
Thanks Santa!
*EDIT* Okay, I had a look at your paddock stand page but it doesn't really provide a solution. However, what DID catch my eye was the 3TJ swingarm page:
The swingarm in those pictures appears to be an RR unit (NOT RRSP). I say this because the spool bosses do not appear to be original. I believe the OEM bosses are round as they are on the Deltabox 1WG swingarms. So... it appears that someone welded on some nuts to that 3TJ swinger to be able to mount spools (bobbins in the U.K. vernacular). As we all know, welding aluminum is a slightly trickier proposition than welding steel (and more so when welding steel to aluminum or vice versa). Could you (or any of the other metallurgy experts) share some wisdom on whether or not this is a wise / viable option for me?
I'll await confirmation or correction by someone like ReelRazor, but a quick Google check suggests steel-aluminum welding is so difficult that most welders simply class it as "can't be done", especially at the hobby level. Brazing may be an option, as the joint is neither critical nor under a particularly heavy load.
The original fabricator may have use hex aluminum, which would solve the situation...
DonTZ125 wrote:I'll await confirmation or correction by someone like ReelRazor, but a quick Google check suggests steel-aluminum welding is so difficult that most welders simply class it as "can't be done", especially at the hobby level. Brazing may be an option, as the joint is neither critical nor under a particularly heavy load.
The original fabricator may have use hex aluminum, which would solve the situation...
As for being next to impossible, I kind of thought this was the case. I can't imagine it would be too tough to find some cylindrical aluminum stock (or "hex" as you mentioned). Then it would just be a matter of cutting to length, boring a pilot hole, tapping the threads, and welding them into place. I suppose there would need to be some consideration made to the grade of aluminum used though (not even sure what the swingarm's made of). In the WIKI perhaps? I'll try to have a look.
Darrin, if you're reading this, we need to get some sort of "shell-shocked" smiley. LOL!
Yeah, most fastener specialty shops/retailers can supply aluminum nuts. Most stock suppliers can provide hex bar in aluminum. Round bar is VERY common
It would be far easier to source such a piece of stock, than to weld steel to alloy. (It CAN be done, really no point in actually DOING it, except to be able to say "lookie, I welded steel to aluminum". As far as I know, there is NO application where this is either needed, or desirable)
The spool boss is a completely static load point. Two diameters of thread would be far more then enough to hold the bike's weight forever. The spool should be bottomed flush against the "nut" and then you wouldn't even have the shear load in the spool's bolt.
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
Cool. I really had no tendency to opt for steel over aluminum as the aluminum obviously works just as well. This IS definitely something I'd like to do though. The 3TJ swingarm is freaking cool but I really want to be able to mount spools so as to not have to muck around with my stand (swapping spool-style ledges to the flat, non-spool ones).
Are there in fact any considerations to be made as to what type of aluminum stock would be preferred (compared to what the swingarm is made of, that is)? As I mentioned previously, I'm not even sure what grade the swingarm is made of.
Ok lets put this to bed, the swing arm is 3TJ(cast into the arm as seen in one of the photo's ) as you say the spool holders are not OEM but made by me as were the spools. Material was 6061 Alloy 16mm a/f hex bar (easier to weld & machine than the round bar i have used in the past.) 8mm stainless steel button allen head (<?> bolts for fixings.
My 1WG alloy ( extruded )swing arms had no OEM spool holders either & I fabricated the holder for both the modified Yellow Peril ( twin shock version) and the spare polished version I have for sale.
The 3HE steel original swing arm I added a make up plate and machined down to make a level surface for its bobbin holder too but they are in steel.
yamaha_george wrote:Brandon,
Ok lets put this to bed, the swing arm is 3TJ(cast into the arm as seen in one of the photo's ) as you say the spool holders are not OEM but made by me as were the spools. Material was 6061 Alloy 16mm a/f hex bar (easier to weld & machine than the round bar i have used in the past.) 8mm stainless steel button allen head (<?> bolts for fixings.
My 1WG alloy ( extruded )swing arms had no OEM spool holders either & I fabricated the holder for both the modified Yellow Peril ( twin shock version) and the spare polished version I have for sale.
The 3HE steel original swing arm I added a make up plate and machined down to make a level surface for its bobbin holder too but they are in steel.
HTH Y-Geo.
Yeah, I knew it was a 3TJ swinger but was merely noticing / noting that it's an RR version and NOT RRSP. That's the same swinger that I have.
Thanks for the materials info. That's what I was looking for.
fzrbrandon wrote:It wasn't a complete hijack! I mentioned swingarms in my "slight thread detour".
I'll look for the spool solution on your site. It's been a while since I've visited anyways.
Thanks Santa!
*EDIT* Okay, I had a look at your paddock stand page but it doesn't really provide a solution. However, what DID catch my eye was the 3TJ swingarm page:
The swingarm in those pictures appears to be an RR unit (NOT RRSP). I say this because the spool bosses do not appear to be original. I believe the OEM bosses are round as they are on the Deltabox 1WG swingarms. So... it appears that someone welded on some nuts to that 3TJ swinger to be able to mount spools (bobbins in the U.K. vernacular). As we all know, welding aluminum is a slightly trickier proposition than welding steel (and more so when welding steel to aluminum or vice versa). Could you (or any of the other metallurgy experts) share some wisdom on whether or not this is a wise / viable option for me?
this is the page linked back from the paddock stand page :-