hello, as the title says, i just got back from the track here in southerne cali and i was very suprised how many FZR's were out their dressed up in all their race fairings, all though only 3 of them were 600's and 5 of them were 400's i was their for about 5-6 hours and man does that look like alot of fun, although i did witness a few crashes today the last one i seen happend to be an FZR no real bad wrecks thankfully, but that was my first time out at the track, looks like a very fun road course
sorry i didn't get any pictures of the FZR's I ment to but my phone dies therefore I had no camera
I'm pretty sure i'll be going back out next weekend and ill snap some pics, everyone their that i spoke with are regulars... their was even a 13 year old kid riding an 06' R6... Crazy stuff
Wichita, KS
95' FZR600
88' FZR400 with YZF 600 Motor
yahoo msg: swingline1021
They have vintage racing the third sunday of each month if I recall correct. I used to be up there a lot since it's 30 minutes from the in laws (where I keep the 1k). I haven't had the chance this year to go though. Would not surprise me if FZRBrandon was there and on the track.
Duane... Bike: 1994 Yamaha FZR 1000 EXUP
Factory Pro Stage 1 Jetting | K&N Filter | Corbin Seat | ProTek Keyless Gas Cap | GSXR Mirrors My Thread Cage:
2005 Saab 9-7x 5.3i Arc AWD
Yep, Willow Springs Motorcycle Club held their races this Sunday. I was planning to go up with FZRBrandon, but had to make some progress on my FZR4 YZF motor swap. Wonder who crashed.
FZR400 (1WG): Purchased a perfectly good FZR400 with Yoshimura slip-on/EXUP, Yosh jet kit, Factory ignition advance, Racetech springs and emulators. It even had great bodywork. Like some diseased maniac I had to mess with everything good about that bike. Well, at least I have better brakes now.
I know the guy on the blue /white. Just confirmed that it was him this morning. He is a member, but I'll let him chime in if he chooses.
FZR400 (1WG): Purchased a perfectly good FZR400 with Yoshimura slip-on/EXUP, Yosh jet kit, Factory ignition advance, Racetech springs and emulators. It even had great bodywork. Like some diseased maniac I had to mess with everything good about that bike. Well, at least I have better brakes now.
sweekster wrote:Would not surprise me if FZRBrandon was there and on the track.
Yep, I was there with my wife and daughter (up at the Budweiser balcony where we usually hang out). Unfortunately, I wasn't on the track. I crashed the track bike back in April and am still (yes, still) trying to get it back together. Besides that, I'm trying to find a different frame for it because I'd like to keep the nice frame for a street build.
Anyway, yeah, WSMC has racing of all classes (not just vintage) every third Sunday of the month from January through November.