putskey wrote:I'd give up my FZR, my TTR and my Grizzly in a heart beat for my little man!!!! Fatherhood is the greatest! Luckily my soon-to-be 4yr old loves riding all three with daddy so I don't see that being a necessity
Buy him a YSR50 and get him started early! [/quote]
Believe me!!!! It's in the works. He's had his own little helmet for over a year, a Power Wheels ATV and he plays dirt bike and "Feeler"(four wheeler) games with me. He loves riding up and down the big hills with me at the other house. It helps I've had him riding with me since hes was @ 9mos old. Unfortunately though, he's almost at that point where he's too big to sit in front of me and too small to sit behind me and hold on. That's where the little 50cc makes its grand entrance. Mommies mildly apprehensive.