On the way there with our hired driver (We always use this guy 'cause he is the only driver we know with ramps and tie downs. ha ha)
However in order to do that I need to be going in a forward motion.
I got the bike around one lap and brought her in.
I thought initially that the jetting was way off.
with no spare jets I swapped carb banks for one I used in a race last season and I Figured were reasonably close.

Ah Xing (Pronounced Ah-Shing) is quite a competent mechanic and works on the BG-Performance Superbikes
but the issue persisted.
what I found was this.
The bike started a bit rough but once running it was pretty strong zipping up and down the parking lot.
Then it would simply DIE!
This happened with both carb banks so its not the carbs.
I could here the pump kicking in when I came to a stop. Then I would start it again go for a bit then it would die then I would hear the pump fl the bowls back up and so on .
So any clue?
I am stumped. Lines are new, filter is new, fuels pouring out of the hose I am clueless on this one. Frigin gremlins I guess.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Oh by the way she felt good out there on the F1 track when she was running. man I can't wait to get her going and pitch that bitch full bore into Turn 6 a long sweeping 5th gear wide open of a left hander whoo hoo!