Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by Fizzinatorr »

don't forget to look for parts

I would put up an add for gold wheels wanted
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by haro504 »

did you check around the area it might be stashed in the woods nearby to be picked up later or behind an old house
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by WSM »

haro504 wrote:did you check around the area it might be stashed in the woods nearby to be picked up later or behind an old house
That is a good tip.
My place was broken into (twice) and one time I found about 90% of the shit they took stashed in the bushes the next morning.
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike


Thanks fellas .. I really fuked up this time man .. I swear i tell ya just when things were starting to look good in this messed up economy i was making a 180 degree turn around .. I was running my establishment all by myself use to have 2-3 family members helping butsince pops died and everybody got the "I don't feel like working bug .. Now im on a 7 day 10-12 hour a week bid .. Well i was actually making some cash and upgraded to new R1 sold the fzr for decent cash .. Now it gets stolen after dumping some decent cash into appearence mods and some other DIY mods . anyhow had all the security measures in place and always used them when left unattended.. Just had to leave it once to test it . I'm very bitter but dont know who tobe bitter too .. I suspect everyone around lol man my mind is really banged out at the moment . cant stop thinking what kind of truck or van did they use , how many was there , blah blah blah .. but sooner or later im going to have to come to terms its gone and aint ever coming back .. i pull up and see my empty parking space .. makes me want to move out this god damn place .. telling my self why didnt i leave it at my bros 25 miles away and just get it when i wanted to ride . Nooooooo i had to have it at my doorstep .. I even posted a bike security thread on here i believe .. My Best friends fiance is a Pharmicutical sales rep .. i told him to get me zolof or some anti-depressant because i swear i feel as if i'm going to do somthing very stupid or dumb out of Rage .. The morning of the Theft my employee of 2 years didn't show up for work and WORKING was the last thing on my mind yesterday but he decided he gonna take a day off without informing me so i FIRED him with out noticw .. Now im picking up his slack and mine but oh well, I dont know what will happen next but im scared to find out . My wife is the best god bless her , She said lets goto dealer and pick brand new one out but i know financially we have more important goals LIKE A HOUSE . I promised her after i bought the R1 next thing we buy is a house so . I have about 10 grand cash in front of me telling me to Pick up a used 09 R1 to satisfy my loss but I'm actually more eager to use it as a Decoy and see if those mother scratchin effers will come for this one too and maybe cash the sons a bitchs and hopefully find my other one also .. This time dont mod anything just wire 2-3 differnt gps trackers and find them my self then let the cops call their families to identify the bodies because thats where my mind is right now .. Call me insane or just plain KRAZY but i swear that is like my only idea of finding it again . Anyhow need rest the longer time goes by and cops dont find it the faster its getting ragged to shit or parted througout the country ..
Thanks again and sorry for the Rant but i swear rather tell u krazy bike basters then some Dear abby blog BS ..lolol Ride safe ma brothers while my ass driving with my helmet in the passenger seat aha
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by Dragon »

Damn, u got to lock up shop for a day and just drive around bro. Hopefully u will find the mfuker, try late nite too.. Seems like thieves like to nite ride a lot... Hope u find it, this really sucks..
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by shredex »

dont lose hope yet...
when they caught they chop shop down here, they recovered 7 stolen bikes
your ignition might look like this though
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by WSM »

Damn Shred, how did you come across that scene?

A different, but funny story: My old bicycle was stolen a couple years back. About 2 weeks later, some kid goes riding by on it. I call him over, grab the bike and tell him to f*ck off. He, scared shitless, starts to BS "Naw dude, thats my buddies bike."
I'm like "right." and call a buddy and have him pull a truck around, throw it in the back and we drive off. The kid was just standing there in the street like "WTF just happened."
I don't know exactly how the system these bastards got works, but, considering how dumb thieves are in the first place, keep an eye out, you might just find a face to go with that fist.
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by Fartblood »

shredex wrote: Image
Chuffing Ada - A copeprs trying to steal that bike nearest the camera!

Or maybe Officer Liberace just wanted to sniff the seat?
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by haro504 »

(sniiiiiiiiiiiifff) smells like justice, maybe hes gonna sniff the theifs a$$ to do a little hard investigating and pin him to the crime
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike


well i can't leave well enough alone man ... My blood is boiling and i got my CZ 40cal all greased up .. I've come to the conclusion i smell a rat and well guys here is the TRAP AHHAHAHAHA <sorry ABS > lol
Been a week since they took my shit and it's been haunting me everyday since .. I know if i had full coverage i wouldn't be stressing this but I didn't have it so thats that ..
In my search for somthing worthwhile for them to take and not hurt me in the pockets . I've come across this thing and i think im going to pick it up and just leave it out there for who ever has the balls to f*ck with my shit again .. This time the thing will be bugged so far up the ass not even the CIA will be able to hide it .. Well guys wish me luck i think im going to pick this up tomorrow ..oh yea got him down to 23 hundred dollars gonna take 2 grand cash and say take it or leave it my man ... Little does he know whats instore for it ..its got 30k miles which scares me but as long as it rides far enough to park under the carport could care less if the motor blows after that .. well guys Here is the Cheese i think i will be laying out for the RATS ..
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by WSM »

Very nice.
Good luck.
Shit, if you can see your carport from a window, set a camera up to record the rat.
Then again, they might sniff something if it's parked in the same spot...
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by mrfreeze5 »

Thats a sexy bike.
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike


mrfreeze5 wrote:Thats a sexy bike.
oh yea gotta make it worth their while .. even had these blingy blue leds .. gonna leave those on at night to attract their attention even more ...
2002 R1 9k miles , Hotbodies undertail , Chopped Hindle Hi Mount , Solo Seat cowl,Frame sliders, little yellow yamaha wheel stickers .hehe
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike

Post by modkingfzr600 »

I will be watching e-bay and CL for parts.

Also dude, I would be careful about posting any info on your'e bike trap considering the person that ripped you off could very well be a member from here or any other forum. Just remain as paranoid as possible until you catch a whif of whoever might have done this, and then make em' squeal like a pig.
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Re: Rude Awaking=Somone stole my bike


Thanks man ... i totally agree with you about the trap and wonder if they or their friends are lurking around the forums .. But if they are then i feel they will try to come even harder to really get me good then .. so let them come i say .. at this point i have nothing to lose anymore then i lost really .. I can't let it go .. My mind is gettin the best of me at this moment .. Again thanks for looking out though i really appreciate it ..
2002 R1 9k miles , Hotbodies undertail , Chopped Hindle Hi Mount , Solo Seat cowl,Frame sliders, little yellow yamaha wheel stickers .hehe
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