I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

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I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by match417 »

Where have I been?

For those of you who still remember me..I used to be on here all the time, then then 300 lbs of roofing crap got dumped on my bike at my house, the guy never paid, and his company never finished my house, my landlord isn't doing anything about it, we still need gutters :( I started working on my daily driver because the transmission shop screwed it up 9 months ago and I just now figured it out banghead so I had to pull out the trans and work on it myself to fix what I couldn't prove they did wrong, it looked like amateur work. I'm still working on my fully mod'd 3sgte celica on weekends, have the engine out and I'm polishing up some stuff and trying to find a larger turbo (once I get the cash).

I'm trying to work on everything a little bit at a time, because there is a lot to do to the celica, a lot to do to the FZR, and a lot to do to the daily driver. My friend gave me a car that didn't run and he lost the keys to it was just sitting in his yard, so I pulled out the ignition, put in an old FZR ignition, and used a cheap radioshack button to trigger the starter. Changed the plugs and cleaned the distributor and it fired right up, still has a bad IAC valve, but eh..who cares..it runs, and it was free. So I now have one non-running car, one semi-running car that I have to get another half-shaft for (stupid transmission place), a good running free car, and a non-running bike :(. That just needs a paintjob, fork seals replaced (pulled off forks yesterday), and some electrical TLC among some other small things. On top of that I got a nasty virus from one of those free online movie sites..so now my internet only works in safe mode..and I gotta fix that too! crap man..

Just thought I would give you guys an update, in my last post, Shred replied with "match! you're alive!" By the way ShredEx, there is a company here named ShredEx, I saw the van go by my house the other day, the company is spelled just like your screenname, and I know you'll read this post because you read every post that is posted on FZRonline..lol.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by shredex »

this used to be my avatar on here


anyways, looks like youve been uber busy lately and F those roofers. Can they really get away with that? its bull s**t.

and i read the posts I feel like reading! lol.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by match417 »

I know, I always thought you photoshopped that picture, because it looked like FedEx. The logo is a little different for the company here.

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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by demon_knight69 »

fixing the computer virus can be a royal pain in the ass, but i've done it before. get some antivirus software, seriously, it helps. even if its the free crappy kind like AVG (which is actually what i use). and watch out for those "free movie sites" :whistle
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by match417 »

I'm running avira antivirus, it's free, and from what I've read, it's better than the ones you pay for, until now it's been amazing. I've been running it almost a whole year from when I put the new hard drive in, occasional viruses, nothing big, virus would be there, and gone, probably got 10 in the past year.. But this one is nasty, I can't even get rid of it. My internet is shut off completely and I can't even do a winsock reset and fix it. Now my internet has stopped working in safe mode. I'm about to wipe it clean once I get my music and stuff off of it.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by chodie »

Hopefully it's not a bootsector virus. If it is, a format will not solve your problem. Have you found out the name of the virus yet? Once you do you will be able to find the correct steps to remove it.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by match417 »

chodie wrote:Hopefully it's not a bootsector virus. If it is, a format will not solve your problem. Have you found out the name of the virus yet? Once you do you will be able to find the correct steps to remove it.
I honestly don't know what it is, every scan that I have ran has showed my computer to be clean. But in firefox when I do a google search and try clicking the links it always goes to something else, I have to go back a page and try clicking it about 5 times until I finally go to the link I want to. Plus, my internet doesn't work unless i'm in safemode. Whatever it is it's brand new and my definitions need to be updated to detect it. I doubt it's a bootsector virus, it could be, but my computer boots fine, it would boot slow if there were a bootsector virus.

I just finished moving all of my music and files and stuff over to another drive, so I'm about to wipe it clean.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by shredex »

match417 wrote:
chodie wrote:Hopefully it's not a bootsector virus. If it is, a format will not solve your problem. Have you found out the name of the virus yet? Once you do you will be able to find the correct steps to remove it.
I honestly don't know what it is, every scan that I have ran has showed my computer to be clean. But in firefox when I do a google search and try clicking the links it always goes to something else, I have to go back a page and try clicking it about 5 times until I finally go to the link I want to. Plus, my internet doesn't work unless i'm in safemode. Whatever it is it's brand new and my definitions need to be updated to detect it. I doubt it's a bootsector virus, it could be, but my computer boots fine, it would boot slow if there were a bootsector virus.

I just finished moving all of my music and files and stuff over to another drive, so I'm about to wipe it clean.
im using Nortan Anti-virus.
seems to be working fine.
if you were local I could search threw your files and show you what shouldnt be there.
viruses are usually in cache/Temperary files/program files or in the WINDOWS files.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by match417 »

Thanks man, but I don't think there is anything that can be done at this point. For safety, I have my computer set up to where Sinternet Explorer is blocked by my firewall incase my friends click on it, I have firefox labeled "Internet" so my friends click on it when they hop on my laptop. Most malware attacks IE, and my firefox doesn't save any files, everything is deleted after each session. There are no files in task manager running that shouldn't be. Whatever it is it's either running as one of svchost.exe files that could be malicious program disguising itself as a regular svchost file, or is completely masked somehow. I know my way around a computer, and I've never had a virus that I couldn't remove. When I was in the military I used to play around with the malware and trojans that were created by other gvmts for attacking US Gvmt computer systems, I used to play around with them to see what they did and how they worked and write a report thing on it for the higher-ups to read and determine if it was serious enough to tell their superiors, I've seem some mean and nasty stuff, and on the other hand I've seem some very interesting stuff like nothing else. Now that i'm out, I don't have anything to use to find it to where I can analyze it, so I'm stuck twiddling thumbs. Anyway, I got off on a tangent..I've named this the Chuck Norris virus, you can't see him, but he's there :) and he wreaks havoc.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by modkingfzr600 »

dude, just do a system restore to about a week prior to the virus infection and your'e problem will be gone.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by match417 »

I tried that, system restore isn't working either. I'm not kidding, it really isn't. Sometimes viruses attack system restore. So right now I'm working in safe mode. I'll fix it later..probably this weekend or something. I'd rather work on my bike. I hate computers.
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by demon_knight69 »

of course there is another fix for the virus issues....run linux :thumbsup:
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by match417 »

having a day off rocks! I made brackets and fit the YFZ600 radiator, took off my old oil filter and nut, attached the yzf600 radiator bracket to the bottom of the engine (where it goes on the YZF600), put the YZF600 oil cooler on with the YZF600 filter, connected it to the radiator, bolted on the YZF600 header (4-2-1), made coolant piping for the rear of the engine and ran it into the YZF600 thermostat housing (still need a few clamps if I can't find some lying around my house). Now I just need to extend the wires for the coolant temp sensor and fan switch. I'm going to get something to eat and go back outside and pull the rotors off, resurface them and put on my new pads. Also, last night I painted my tank black! It's cheap rustoleum spray paint, but it'll do for now, at least it doesn't look like a pile of shingles fell on it anymore.

****as far as the forks go..that custom tool that I have to make, is the nut on the end of the all thread really 5/8 (16mm), that's a bit large to be on the inside of the fork tube. Something up with the wiki-thread about replacing the fork seals, I remember it mentioning the nut on the end of the thread being 5/8, is that the head of the nut? I went to double check and couldn't read the wiki.

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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by shredex »

I'd keep that tank off the bike and bubble wrapped until the bikes ready for it to go on!
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Re: I'm still working on my bike :( ..and other things

Post by Genesis »

great idea for mounting that radiator, looks like a nice easy bracket to make.
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