For those of you who still remember me..I used to be on here all the time, then then 300 lbs of roofing crap got dumped on my bike at my house, the guy never paid, and his company never finished my house, my landlord isn't doing anything about it, we still need gutters

I'm trying to work on everything a little bit at a time, because there is a lot to do to the celica, a lot to do to the FZR, and a lot to do to the daily driver. My friend gave me a car that didn't run and he lost the keys to it was just sitting in his yard, so I pulled out the ignition, put in an old FZR ignition, and used a cheap radioshack button to trigger the starter. Changed the plugs and cleaned the distributor and it fired right up, still has a bad IAC valve, but eh..who runs, and it was free. So I now have one non-running car, one semi-running car that I have to get another half-shaft for (stupid transmission place), a good running free car, and a non-running bike

Just thought I would give you guys an update, in my last post, Shred replied with "match! you're alive!" By the way ShredEx, there is a company here named ShredEx, I saw the van go by my house the other day, the company is spelled just like your screenname, and I know you'll read this post because you read every post that is posted on FZRonline..