Ignition Advancer

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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by shredex »

megaloxana wrote:You dont need to special order fuel. What octane level is the premium?
regular = 87-89 octane
premium = 91-93 octane
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by DonTZ125 »

Vintage production class - gotcha. Never mind, move along, nothing to see here...


(98 octane limit on the 2T?? :yikes: )
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by the_finch »

shredex wrote:
megaloxana wrote:You dont need to special order fuel. What octane level is the premium?
regular = 87-89 octane
premium = 91-93 octane
I have a factory pro ignition advancer in my bike, and only fill it up with 91-93 octane. Never had detonation problems. Runs really rich due to dead emulsion tubes, but runs like a bat outa hell.

In my opinion, if you're not wanting to completely replace the ignition with something like a V&H Powerpack or Ignitech setup, the Factory Pro Setup should add more than enough extra power for your money. my2cents
1997 FZR600RJ

Engine: K&N Drop-in air filter - stock airbox - FP 5°ignition advancer - EBC "Street Racer" Kevlar clutch
Exhaust: Stock header - Yoshimura RS-3 Carbon fiber slip-on
Body: Original paint/graphics - Clear Alternatives integrated LED Taillight - Flanders' flush front signals - YZF600 Mirrors - Comp. Werkes Stainless fender eliminator/tag bracket - 60w/55w H4 headlights
Tires: Metzler MEZ4B 120/70 ZR17 Front - Michelin Madacam 100x 150/70 ZR18 Rear
Brakes:Stock rotors with EBC HH Sinstered pads
In the works: YZF600 header, '97 Bandit 600 rear wheel, DynoJet Stage 3, Racetech Springs and Emulators fork rebuild, FZ1 rear shock, YZF600 front MC, Galfer SS Lines, CFM rearsets
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by megaloxana »

well with premium then you should be fine.
'92 FZR 600
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by the_finch »

mossy1200 wrote:Our fuel options are 91 96 98
My 1000 runs best on 96
or 91 70% and avation fuel 30%
I would like 4degre advance and run 96 50% and avation fuel 50%
Mossy, I'm checking into it now, but with those numbers I bet the US and New Zealand use different octane calculation formulas. Do you know what formula they use over there?
1997 FZR600RJ

Engine: K&N Drop-in air filter - stock airbox - FP 5°ignition advancer - EBC "Street Racer" Kevlar clutch
Exhaust: Stock header - Yoshimura RS-3 Carbon fiber slip-on
Body: Original paint/graphics - Clear Alternatives integrated LED Taillight - Flanders' flush front signals - YZF600 Mirrors - Comp. Werkes Stainless fender eliminator/tag bracket - 60w/55w H4 headlights
Tires: Metzler MEZ4B 120/70 ZR17 Front - Michelin Madacam 100x 150/70 ZR18 Rear
Brakes:Stock rotors with EBC HH Sinstered pads
In the works: YZF600 header, '97 Bandit 600 rear wheel, DynoJet Stage 3, Racetech Springs and Emulators fork rebuild, FZ1 rear shock, YZF600 front MC, Galfer SS Lines, CFM rearsets
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by mossy1200 »

I have heard there is differences.
The petrol that comes from Gull service stations is the same as the Australian Gull.
The rest i am not sure.
Just going off what they claim.
We dont have the added bits in our gas that you guys have.
I think you have some sort of added greener mix in your gas.
Think i remember something about corn based product.
Please advise.
Its likely our fuel companies or may be all fuel companies like to tell us any bollocks they like in order to rip us of.

91 is regular ,95or96(depends which servo)is ultra,98 is ultra plus(mobil servo only)

My mixes with fuel type are dyno based.I have sponcership so its been down the dyno 30 odd times.
Dont assume your fuel is the same.
I did notice when i imported keihin carbs for my triumph from Newbonneville in USA they wer set up no good.
I gave all the bike specs to them and they were suposed to pre tune.
They arrived very very rich.
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by megaloxana »

mossy1200 wrote:I think you have some sort of added greener mix in your gas.
Think i remember something about corn based product.
Please advise.
yes our gas has "up to 10%" ethanol mixed in.
'92 FZR 600
Airtech R1 kit \*/ 520 conversion \*/ 14F-47R gearing
K&N pod filters \*/ Stage 3 jet kit \*/ Factory Pro shift kit \*/ Full V&H SS exhaust
Custom '02 R6 undertail \*/ YZF gas tank \*/ Raised via dogbones \*/ custom flush turnsignals
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by mossy1200 »

megaloxana wrote:
mossy1200 wrote:I think you have some sort of added greener mix in your gas.
Think i remember something about corn based product.
Please advise.
yes our gas has "up to 10%" ethanol mixed in.
We dont have ethanol yet but there is talk of it happening
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by the_finch »

mossy1200 wrote:
megaloxana wrote:
mossy1200 wrote:I think you have some sort of added greener mix in your gas.
Think i remember something about corn based product.
Please advise.
yes our gas has "up to 10%" ethanol mixed in.
We dont have ethanol yet but there is talk of it happening
If you have a chance to fight it. The only reason corn ethanol is any cheaper than gasoline in the U.S. is because of government subsidies...which the taxpayers catch the bill for. And it drives up the price of everything with corn or corn syrup in it (nearly everything has high fructose corn syrup in it in the U.S.) my2cents

The reason I asked about the formula is because the U.S. changed the formula it used in the 1970's when it outlawed the addition of lead to gasoline. I don't remember the original formula but by our current formula the gasoline from the 1970's would actually be around 107 octane or so by the current formula.

If New Zealand uses the "old U.S." formula to determine fuel octane then it is possible that what you know as "91 octane regular" could be the same as the "87 octane regular unleaded" that I fill my pickup with at the station. Or your 91 octane could be the same as our 91 octane here (91-93 is typically "premium" gasoline in my hometown). It would just be interesting to know and might even help with knowing differences in how to tune the carbs.
1997 FZR600RJ

Engine: K&N Drop-in air filter - stock airbox - FP 5°ignition advancer - EBC "Street Racer" Kevlar clutch
Exhaust: Stock header - Yoshimura RS-3 Carbon fiber slip-on
Body: Original paint/graphics - Clear Alternatives integrated LED Taillight - Flanders' flush front signals - YZF600 Mirrors - Comp. Werkes Stainless fender eliminator/tag bracket - 60w/55w H4 headlights
Tires: Metzler MEZ4B 120/70 ZR17 Front - Michelin Madacam 100x 150/70 ZR18 Rear
Brakes:Stock rotors with EBC HH Sinstered pads
In the works: YZF600 header, '97 Bandit 600 rear wheel, DynoJet Stage 3, Racetech Springs and Emulators fork rebuild, FZ1 rear shock, YZF600 front MC, Galfer SS Lines, CFM rearsets
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by mossy1200 »

If New Zealand uses the "old U.S." formula to determine fuel octane then it is possible that what you know as "91 octane regular" could be the same as the "87 octane regular unleaded" that I fill my pickup with at the station. Or your 91 octane could be the same as our 91 octane here (91-93 is typically "premium" I asked about the formula is because the U.S. changed the formula it used in the 1970's when it outlawed the addition of lead to gasoline. I don't remember gasoline in my hometown). It would just be interesting to know and might even help with knowing differences in how to tune the carbs.[/quote]

I know that we get our vehicles at the same jet size stock as you do so its prob just a different formula.
When i gave the newbonneville guys over there the specs for carbs they would have assumed when i said 91(regular here that i was running premium)and set carbs according to that as the bike runs better on reg unleaded than ultra.
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by DonTZ125 »


Finch - the ethanol industry is changing. Feed quality corn will soon be replaced by cobs and husks and stalks. Note that I said "feed quality", not "food quality". The vast majority of the corn going into the big kettles has been 'factory seconds' destined for cattle feed. Oddly enough, once the brewing and distilling is done, the leftover DDGS - "Dried Distiller's Grains with Solubles" - is sold to the very cattle farmers who were originally buying the corn now sold to the ethanol plants. DDGS is -very- high in protein, as most of the sugars and water have been removed in the processing.

I can't deny the price of corn has gone up - if factory seconds and thirds are more valuable, why, the good stuff must be even more valuable! - but that should ease back off with the new technologies and processes coming down the pike. This upgrade has of course ground to a halt with the financial melt-down. :roll:

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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by billy_awesome »

Many people have done this mod, never heard of any problems besides getting that damn flywell bolt off. megolaxona's write up it's pretty good I suggest following that.

For the home-made mod: I'd be really careful, it's really hard to get the pickup coil screws out, they are cheap zinc plated phillips screws, heard from someone on this board that if you get a screw driver with a hammer you can get them out without stripping the heads, which is really easy to do, I've done it twice lol
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by shredex »

billy_awesome wrote:Many people have done this mod, never heard of any problems besides getting that damn flywell bolt off. megolaxona's write up it's pretty good I suggest following that.

For the home-made mod: I'd be really careful, it's really hard to get the pickup coil screws out, they are cheap zinc plated phillips screws, heard from someone on this board that if you get a screw driver with a hammer you can get them out without stripping the heads, which is really easy to do, I've done it twice lol

yea, mine are stripped to hell...im just gonna drill them out and re-tap it
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by megaloxana »

shredex wrote:yea, mine are stripped to hell...im just gonna drill them out and re-tap it
you could try slotting them with a dremel and then using an impact driver. I got one from harbor freighta while back for under 7 bones and it works great.
'92 FZR 600
Airtech R1 kit \*/ 520 conversion \*/ 14F-47R gearing
K&N pod filters \*/ Stage 3 jet kit \*/ Factory Pro shift kit \*/ Full V&H SS exhaust
Custom '02 R6 undertail \*/ YZF gas tank \*/ Raised via dogbones \*/ custom flush turnsignals
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Re: Ignition Advancer

Post by mossy1200 »

billy_awesome wrote:Many people have done this mod, never heard of any problems besides getting that damn flywell bolt off. megolaxona's write up it's pretty good I suggest following that.

For the home-made mod: I'd be really careful, it's really hard to get the pickup coil screws out, they are cheap zinc plated phillips screws, heard from someone on this board that if you get a screw driver with a hammer you can get them out without stripping the heads, which is really easy to do, I've done it twice lol
The mod only works for the 600 and not 1000 as we have generator above clutch housing and no plate to offset.
Im after an electrical solution to spark advance.
The spark excitor kits etc fire a pulsed spark etc but no one can confirm the first fire is advanced from stock.
These kits take the cdi signal to comence firing.
I believe the v&h controller retards the ignition almost a whole cycle in order to advance is.
EG 358 retard = 2degres advanced.

Can any one confirm????
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