cut the cable bodies down and now they fit great.
I screwed up on the return cable though. cut off 1 1/2" to much... I used a tube and two zip ties and now its good...
the only thing im afraid of with these cables, is that they are much thinner than the fzr ones...probably because they go to a FI bike...not sure.
im going to ride it tomorrow to a christmas party, so Ill let you know how it rides.
hoping to get my rear sprocket soon, because the teeth on mine are about to break off.
and I still need $110 for my new rear wheel.
hate being broke.
luckly...I got paid $40 bucks today
so thats going to help with getting my $50 r1 tail, $30 tank, $25 subframe, and gifts for the family! and the $60 shipping left to ship out millers stuff!
looks like im getting banned from ebay for having some unpaid items strikes