Loosen camshaft seats slowly, evenly, and carefully; check.
Carefully remove camshaft seats and mark where they go, along with all bolts; check.
Keep camshaft chain tight while carefully lifting intake cam out; check.
Keep camshaft chain tight while carefully lifting exhaust cam out; check, but the exhaust cam was a little harder to lift out.
Replace valve shim with proper replacement shim; check.
Check for foreign bodies before re-installing camshafts; che--wait, what's this?


Thoughts? Or even better, offers from someone who happens to have a spare exhaust camshaft laying around?
I've had my bike in pieces for over a month now, mostly due to waiting on parts, and need to ride again.
Also, any Ideas of other camshafts that will work? I've heard you can use YZF600 and YZF600r camshafts in the FZR head, and looking on eBay, that just might be a viable option.