ragedigital wrote:What's a cop going to say? We should see what Deputy thinks... where's he been anyway?
I'm here...Between work and this new State of Wisconsin Fraternal Order of Police position I was elected to, I haven't been able to get much
me time.
In most states, if the lights are not cycling through as they should be, as long as you wait a reasonable amount of time you can proceed through. In as far as the sensors go for emergency vehicles, watch for them to flash when they are activated. The lights don't automatically turn green for you...it takes a bit. I was running code 3 (lights and siren) to a suicidal guy with a gun going through one of cities in the county today as a matter of fact and I saw the sensor flashing, but I never waited for the light to turn green. Then again, I was going pretty fast
I thought I recall reading somewhere if you put the kickstand down directly on the ground sensor it will sense a vehicle is there.