by v8killaz on Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:17 pm
do u feel any performance added as u drive it. did u tune it again or does it matter
btw what year is ur fizzer
Im still waiting for the rear sprocket they said it would take 3 to 4 weeks,so hopefully it will be here next week.I dont think I will need to retune,the equalization tubes will keep it from leaning out at speed,but I may need to raise the needles.There will be a full update when I test it.I think it will be just fine tho.On my old ZX6E there were no issues from when there was no ram air to when I put it all back together,I dident have to mess with the jetting at all.
wow I just noticed I put everything but what the bike is in my signature

I'll have to update that.Any way.It's a 90 FZR400(US Model)With a 92 I believe FZR600 engine