FZR400 Rear Fairings. New.

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FZR400 Rear Fairings. New.

Post by chris-seed »

I have a new set of plastic rear fairings for a 1989 FZR400 EXUP for sale. I ordered a full fairing set from China for my FZR600 but unfortunately the rear fairings did not fit. They are in mint condition in a bright red colour. All are made from ABS plastic and the paintwork is excellent on them. The only slight issue with one of the panels is a bracket that I cut off in an attempt to fit them to my bike. I have glued this back on using epoxy weld though (see pictures for more detail).

Also included is a rear light if anybody wants that too.

I'd like £100 for the lot. I am based near Manchester, UK. Collection is welcome or I can post them out for £15.

Give me a shout if you want any more images or details.







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Re: FZR400 Rear Fairings. New.

Post by willandrip »

Chris; those are for an 88 not an 89.
They are 3EN1 units.

I am surprised they did not fit the 3HE.

I bought a race one piece seat unit that was advertised and showed the pic. of it fitted to a 3EN1 .
It fits the 600 3HE perfectly once the tail light is removed.

Could you not find a seller from China who had 600 3HE fairings ?

Mind I/ve just done a search and can find no 600 units; strange as they probably sold the most units of the FZR range.

At least the 600 seat panels are very easily sourced cheap in the UK.

You will get a much better audience on a UK forum or Ebay for these.
This is predominately a US orientated forum and has little UK input unfortunately.

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Re: FZR400 Rear Fairings. New.

Post by chris-seed »

Oops, thanks for the correction on the year. Yeah I kind of bought the full set thinking that the rear panels wouldn't fit. The front fairing fitted perfectly.

I couldn't find any 3HE fairing kits anywhere really. So my plan is to use the original ones that are still on the bike, as they are in reasonable condition. I'll paint them up then.

Cheers, I'll whack them on eBay this week if I don't have any luck on the forum.

Do you have a link to the racing seat that you bought? I did consider one of them but I didn't know how hard the rear light would be to fit to make it all road legal.

Thanks for the help!
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Re: FZR400 Rear Fairings. New.

Post by willandrip »

Chris; It was a private sale of a used unit 5 years ago.

On mine you would just cut out around the rear light.
It is just completely flat at the rear.

It is fibre glass and very thin/lightweight.

The front fairing will account for the cost of the kit you bought.
You would have to regard the seat unit as freebee and a bonus if you can resell it.
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Re: FZR400 Rear Fairings. New.

Post by chris-seed »

That sounds good, I might look into finding a race fairing then. It's amazing how heavy the old fibreglass fairings are compared to modern ones.

And yes I agree, the front fairings were definitely worth the price. The picture below doesn't do them justice but they are extremely high quality.

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Re: FZR400 Rear Fairings. New.

Post by willandrip »

When I saw ones that a member on here ? had designed and painted for her bike I could not believe the quality.

The finish was pristine.

Your getting there.

Maybe get the old seat plastics painted until you source the unit you like, and use it as a test for the painter, some are not up to motorcycle refinishing !
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