rebuildin the 600 Engine

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rebuildin the 600 Engine

Post by primus92 »

Well i pulled the engine outta the bike, i had very low compression on my 3rd cylinder. im giving the engine a complete tear down, to see whats up, then its rebuild time. Seeing if you guys had any pointers on any of it, or give me a heads up on what to expect if somethings going to get a little tricky in some areas. and where to buy internals. pistons, piston rings, valves, rods, lifters. really looking forward to aftermarket internals :grinnod: , if there is any dont know where to look for parts like that. just OEM ones.

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1991 YAMAHA FZR 600
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Re: rebuildin the 600 Engine

Post by kilika2 » will be your friend. I bought a full engine gasket kit from ebay for 130 shipped so go there for it. I don't remember the actual name (vesrah?) but think about spending the little extra for that company for a better quality. Other than that I would put a wanted add in for the parts you want on this forum.

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Re: rebuildin the 600 Engine

Post by thatkid »

I would look for a new motor honestly. It will be cheaper and easier. FZR motors can be had for about 3-400 in decent condition. You will spend on average $50/cylinder just for new rings. So assuming you wanted to re-ring all 4 + the gasket kit, you're already up to 330 and you haven't even started tearing it down. You could also go the YZF motor option. It will run you a bit more but you'll be better off in the long run. Just some food for thought.
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Re: rebuildin the 600 Engine

Post by primus92 »

thanks guys i really appreciate this, ill do my best on the bike, FZR's will never die. we just keep going and going
1991 YAMAHA FZR 600
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