So, what is the price with core exchange TK?thatkid wrote:Well I worked on a set last night. Needed to go to the shop anyway. I have the design down, but it's getting it right with my semi retarded lathe. They are going to be a simple 4 piece design. Bolt, cap, block, and o-ring. I will need original fork caps in order to modify them for this endeavor. I have a few sets of spares so if people are interested in this, just so you know in advance, it would be a core exchange type of deal. I'll send you an all ready to go one but I'll need your fork caps back. If I do it this way I can do it much cheaper for you guys.
My first one was a slight fail as I mixed some measurements in my head but it's a very simple fix. I have everything in my shop to do it pretty much. The bolts I'm using are a 13 threads per inch instead of the 20 per inch the model I'm using uses. I don't mind changing that but I can't find any local with a higher tpi. I don't think anyone will miss it much. You'll still have over an inch of preload adjust.
I'm really trying to come in at ~75 for you guys to make these affordable. I'm modeling them off a lockhart quik-adjust that a friend had on their forks. I'd still like to see the JEM brandon, but if you don't get around to it no worries.
I'm thinking there will be the option to mix and match colors for powder for an additional fee. Otherwise they will all probably be black. I'll post some pictures up a little later.
Might be interested in a pair, still waiting for them cages too...