Parts List
Crimper Pliar: Click To Enlarge9 Wire Connector:Click To Enlarge6 Wire Connector:Click To EnlargeHelping Hands:Click To Enlarge

Wiring to the Stock Harness

First and foremost before starting the assembly of the wiring harness I recommend that you spend a little time familiarizing yourself with the provided wiring diagram for your make and model and the diagram included with the gauges as this write up will be biased to the stock 88 FZR1000 and the Acewell 3700 series gauge panel.

:!: The Power and Ground leads going from the gauges to the harness will be paired with the Panel & Idiot leads of the gauge:!:

The layouts below are taken from the included Acewell wires into the female connectors. (You will not use the male connectors)Simply attach the female crimp to the wire color and plug it in.

Wire Harness: Click To Enlarge

Nine Pin Connector Layout
[Top Notch]
Blank Brown : → indicator (+) Blank
Blank Green : High Beam (+) Green : Neutral Indicator (-)
Yellow : Oil (-) Brown : ← indicator (+) Black : GND
Six Pin Connector Layout
[Top Notch ]
Blank Blank Blank
Red(2X) : A&B PowerLeads Black(2x) : A&B GND Yellow : Tachometer

:!:For the tachometer to read correctly you must change the engine cycles from 1.0 to 0.5 from the settings menu (88 FZR1000):!:

The Tachometer wire that Acewell/Electrosport supplies with the kit is extremely long for those that wish to coil it around an ignition coil. Since I intended to tap the wire into the stock harness I snipped the excess, and using a male female spade connector; I used the excess wire to run the Brown Clock Power Wire through the frame to the positive terminal on the battery (1/4 inch 22 gauge spade at the terminal). In the picture above you will see the brown wire joined to a yellow wire by way of a red spade connection.

The Speedometer Sensor is fairly simple to connect as it completely replaces the old speedometer and interfaces directly into the Acewell/Electrosport harness.

The Water Temperature sensor is a stand-alone unit that also interfaces directly into the Acewell/Electrosport unit. After discussing the stock configuration the Acewell/Electrosport Technician advised against splicing into the stock sensor and schematic. FIXME I have yet to determine where in the coolent lines I will mount their secondary temperature sensor FIXME The Plus side to this is the sensor that trigger the electric fan remains untouched and will still function as normal. The downside is somewhere you will have to hack into your coolant line to interface their sensor.

-ShogunTX (Inspiration by MsHap visit her site Jello's Homepage) is not affilated with Yamaha in any way. The content on this website has not been endorsed by Yamaha, nor has been verified for correctness by (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!). The Yamaha name and logos are registered trademarks of Yamaha and Yamaha North America, Inc.