Longer kickstand

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Longer kickstand

Post by olie05 »

I just put on a taller rear tire, and my bike leans noticeably more on the kick stand.

I could weld an extension onto the current stand, but I'm looking for something a little more elegant, like a kickstand swap or a custom made aluminum piece.

Does anyone have any ideas?
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Re: Longer kickstand

Post by thatkid »

With some aluminum bar stock and a grinder you could probably fab one up. A lathe and mill would be preferable but in a pinch.... Then just drill and tap for a place for the spring to attach and a place to grab with your foot to kick it out.

Another one of those things that's been on my list for awhile but I've never gotten around to doing.

However, a small disk welded to the bottom of the current kickstand plate probably wouldn't look too bad if done properly.
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