Is it possible to replace tires at home? & mounting of bike

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Is it possible to replace tires at home? & mounting of bike

Post by tickledawson »

So I need to replace my tires... But I don't want to pay £20+ to fit each tyre!!!

Is it easy to replace the tyres?
And is there a cheap and secure way of mounting the bike in order to take the wheels off?
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Is it possible to replace tires at home? & mounting of bike

Post by _Will_ »

Yes it can be done, my last three tires have been done at home using a harbor freight bead breaker. I have an air compressor and stands so that made it easier. Biggest problem I had was getting the tire to seat on the front but removing the core on the valve stem fixed that. Two best pieces of advise are take small bites and watch your fingers, bad things can happen quickly. Lots of useful videos on YouTube
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Re: Is it possible to replace tires at home? & mounting of b

Post by Stig »

check out this months practical sportsbike mag. Theres an article and how to. Basically they use a couple of rim protectors, some proper tyre levers and an old garden spade to break the bead
If its not broken it dont need fixing
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