1994 FZR600 Streetfighter

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1994 FZR600 Streetfighter

Post by SlimKlim »


Up for sale is my 1994 Yamaha FZR600 streetfigher. It has a brand new set of Bridgestone Battlax BT014s with less than 500 miles on them. Fresh brakes, a motor from a 1998 donor bike with less than 12k miles. Other goodies include CRM pegs and shifter, custom rear sprocket, LED turn signals, and a custom shorty pipe made out of a V&H Oval Pipe and an airtech R1 style tail. The only area that needs attention is the headlight bracket. The welds are broken and the bracket is zip-tied on as a temp fix which is fine for now, but it needs to be rewelded or switched over to a fork mount setup. It's also got a rattle can paint job that needs to be redone, if that kind of thing bothers you. Asking $1800 OBO from forum members. I'm throwing in a huge box of parts including an Airtech belly pan, extra seats, a radiator, and a bunch of other stuff.

Bike is now located in Fairfax, VA.

This thing is loud, fast, and a blast to ride. When I got it it had been sitting in a garage for 3 or so years, and after a fresh tank of gas, and a quick carb clean it fired up and idled like a baby, she's got a good heart. No joyrides unless I get to hold the cash while you do. Can't risk anybody dumping her on the test ride! :p Call or Text: 540 Three Five Four, Four One Six Oh, email me at jmklimchuk@gmail.com or message me here. The semester ends in a week and I'm moving on to the real world, I need some cash to get me started and I'd rather sell her before I move.






By the way, the taillight is on right side up now, I'm retarded. :duh: I put this back together myself and bikes are like 3D Jigsaws when you're not familiar with the model.
Last edited by SlimKlim on Wed May 18, 2011 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1994 FZR600 Streetfighter

Post by SlimKlim »

Updated with a lower price and the bike's new home.
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