660 Hybrid in YZF600R Frame? Pros / Cons?

In the states, this was the upgrade to the FZR600. In other places, this is called an FZR. Either way, many of the components of the US YZF600r fit onto the US FZR600.

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660 Hybrid in YZF600R Frame? Pros / Cons?

Post by trevtastick »

Ok, so here's the deal. I crashed on my '92 FZR a few years ago, and wanted to get back into riding. Picked up a '98 THundercat (YZF600r) the other day that has the 2nd Gear issue. Well... I also picked up a '99 FZR 600 Motor (come to find out today), thinking it was a YZF600R motor with a good tranny.

Soooo, here's my predicament. I need a short list of Pros and Cons to doing a 660 Motor in a '98 YZF600R frame.

I have the complete YZF600R Motor, and a barebones FZR600 Motor (no Carbs or electronics). Will this work?

What I *think* I know:

1) Motors are the same, aside from my motor makes a bit more horsepower.
2) They're basically the same block, aside from the Head of the YZF600 motor has the mounts for my frame, which FZR motor lacks. (alleviated with 660 hybrid).
3) I can use the stock airbox and carbs (YZF600 Head).

I'm kind of at a loss. Is it worth it to build a 660 hybrid? I'm not keen on losing horsepower, as I want to ride again, and it just seems more and more things get in my way. :(
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