Cant find bolt sequence for head!!

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Cant find bolt sequence for head!!

Post by fresshmode »

Trying to remove head but want to loosen in recommended order!! manual says to follow image but don't see it anywhere. tighten would just be opposite right. bike has been sitting cold real cold would it matter that much If I just go outside to inside?
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Re: Cant find bolt sequence for head!!

Post by apsolus »

i think your being a bit paranoid about the temps effecting things. by the time you get to the head the bike will be at room temps anyway :thumbsup: as far as head sequence, i work on diesel engines and we go outside in in a circular fashon to loosen and inside out to tighten. not sure these bikes are different
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Re: Cant find bolt sequence for head!!

Post by tony »

i believe you start from the inside out and work opposites star in centre and use z pattern tightening is reverse but little on each at a time
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Re: Cant find bolt sequence for head!!

Post by McFizzer »

hmmm I thought it was start at the outside and work through in a pattern of top left, bottom right,bottom left, top right. like you would a tire in a star pattern so to speak but I wouldn't doubt working inside out...

As said also, when tightening go half the torque all the way in, then 3/4's then full torque... Then Re-Check
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Re: Cant find bolt sequence for head!!

Post by racerd14666 »

thats odd that its not in the manual but all heads use a 1/4 turn circle pattern that starts from the outside then moves inward unless they have some small 8mm bolts on the outside then you start with the small bolts then do the circle pattern on the bigger bolts/studs and dont forget to use good thread lube i prefer the stuff ARP makes
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