yamaha_george wrote:
yup some place there is def a fault those safety switches should work as soon as the engine is capable of being "tumbled" and the plugs capable of being fired.
the switches should "ground" the LT side of the plugs so even though the engine is turned over the ignition pulse on the LT of the plugs should be removed by the grounding effect of those two safety switches.
I've just tested, wired how I thought it should be wired, It does not crank whilst in gear anymore, wired per the instructions the safety switches were bypassed!! The strange thing is, before (remote start disabled/not wired) when I disabled the immobiliser (no key in the ignition) if the bike was in gear the start button operated as normal (cranked the engine), with the key in and turned on the bike would not crank if in gear, now everything operates as it should key in or not.
The mishap happened over a year ago, all I can think of is, there must have been poor/corroded connections (on the main relay?) which I have since rectified. For that reason the remote start is staying disconnected, One corroded connector could = CRASH

on mine wired as I thought it should be, the remote start acts as the start button, grounds the main relay.