I was getitng sick of breaking my back taking the engine in and out myself or having my kids pull the bolts out while dad lowered it out himself.
So I made one that basically is the exact height I need.
When I have the bike on its rear stand I can slide this thing right under and the hole are close enough that I can get the top mounting bolts with the spools in and secure it well enough to take the stand off and install the remaining mounting bolts.
A real back saver.

While I was at it I took off all the covers to go get powder coated as well. I just sprayed these to see how they will look. I
plan to trim the covers lettering with gold for a bit of accent

These are the header pipes for the ultra lightweight Hindle S.S. exhaust I have on the YZF engine. The heat made them a cool golden color. Not sure if thats good, bad, normal or what but they look cool
I found a place here that will spnosor me ceramic coating on them.
I have been reading about how coating the headers will help with the engine performance so I thought I would give it a try. The remainder of the pipe needs to be left as is. So hot gasses up front allowed to cool as it heads rearward.
I took a look at the cradles as well and trimmed off al the tabs I did not want and ground down some of the exess sloppy factory weld. While I was at it I cut off the area around the kick stand as its a race bike and does no need it.

So keeping in line with loosing weight I also decided to trim a few ounces off the sprocket cover I will get the areas in black milled out to reduce a bit more weght.
This will get powder coated high gloss black as well along with the valve cover.
I can not wait to see how light this thing is when she is back together.