I just got my new calipers seals today and they came with a little packet of red grease. Does this stuff get smeared all over both seals (for each piston)? Sorry for the silly question but it's my first time with brand new caliper seals!
mossy1200 wrote:i put a little between the seals then thin filmed the pistons before pushing them in.
Hey Mossy,
Cool. I wasn't sure if putting actual grease on the seals would cause the pistons to slide out of the bores improperly (if that makes sense). The way I understand it is that the "folding" of the square seal (not the smaller dust seal) is what makes the piston retract back into the bore when releasing the brake lever. If the grease allows the piston to move past the seal without the seal "folding" the piston would end up staying compressed against the brake pads, right? This is what I'm a little paranoid about. Normally, I would just coat everything with brake fluid and put it all back together.
Dust seal will wipe the film as they go in and the square seal will remain fairly dry.Dont lube the square seal.use the dust seal to wipe some of your finger so it only lubes between them.
mossy1200 wrote:Dust seal will wipe the film as they go in and the square seal will remain fairly dry.Dont lube the square seal.use the dust seal to wipe some of your finger so it only lubes between them.
Well, I was a wee bit antsy about using that grease so I just went ahead and did it the way the Clymer manual states (which is to just put a coat of brake fluid on everything). The real pisser though is that I realized I only ordered HALF the seals I needed for the front! The fiches don't say that one complete seal kit is only for one half of the damn caliper. So... I ordered two kits which instead of being enough for both calipers was only enough for one! Now I'll have to wait another week or so to get the other half (unless I want to sell my truck and forgo the kid's college fund so I can order them from the dealer to get them in about four days!
The good news is that I got my rear master cylinder rebuilt! I've now done both the front (on the street bike) and the rear and can kid myself into thinking that I know what I'm doing! LOL!