95 yzf600 partout

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95 yzf600 partout

Post by nickmell »

I bought group of a few bikes and Dont have a title for the yzf so Im going to part it out. The bike is not in running condition So I cant say the electrical parts work 100% but if there would be a problem I will refund your money no problem. I have sold quite alot of stuff on yfzcentral.com if you want to check my feedback since I am a new member. Not looking to make a bunch of money just trying to get rid on this bike so I have room and some money to put in my fzr1000. Pm me or text 301 616 0986 with what you need and I will let you know if I have it. :tks:
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Re: 95 yzf600 partout

Post by thatkid »

If the VIN is clean you can get a title for it pretty easily. Frame is worth a decent amount with a title.
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Re: 95 yzf600 partout

Post by Motonaut »

PM sent!
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Re: 95 yzf600 partout

Post by tenchu »

Do you have a front fairing?
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