best jet kit for modded air box and race exhaust

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best jet kit for modded air box and race exhaust

Post by matt0107 »

Hey. I put a 98 fzr 600 in a golf cart. Lol. Had to make a air box so I used 4 2.5" abs pipes to pod filters. Cuz it was the only way. Also had a race exhaust from a cbr 1000 so it flows freely. Now I cant hit WOT cuz its way to lean. Any sugestions on what jet kit to buy. Was looking at dynojet stage 1/3. Any info or help would be great. I tried turning my fuel air mixture screw out 3 turns helped get more rpms but wont hit 12000. If I hold a glove to the exit of the exhaust (for back pressure) it will rev out. So please any suggestions on jet kits or just main jet sizes would be great.
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