Where in AZ are you? I'm in Gilbert. Does it roll in neutral? Put it in gear, third or higher, does it roll? If it does, motor should be able to start. I would change the oil, Rotella T6 $21 at Walmart, and filter and flush the radiator and just leave water in there for now. You'll need a new battery to try to start it unless u can hook some cables up to a car battery. Put some gas or starting fluid in the carbs and try to turn her over.
I picked my bike up after it had sat for 13+ years but it was in a storage unit. I've put about $700 into getting it back up and running. Just to give you an idea of the cost of fixing it. It's been about a year due to spare money and time. I've upgraded parts and spent money on things I really didn't need to, carb bolts, R6 front calipers, R6 rear shock.
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