checklist for a bike thats been sitting years...

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checklist for a bike thats been sitting years...

Post by talonpunk831 »

Hi guys! I was recently given my first bike, a 91 fzr600!

I'm part time mechanic when it comes to import cars, but I have never had my hands on a bike and I need some tips.

This bike has been sitting in my friends back yard for over 3 years without being turned on and I need a good checklist on what to do before trying to get her to run again.

She has about 30k miles on her and ran perfect, it was just parked and never started again.

Thanks :) :tks:
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Re: checklist for a bike thats been sitting years...

Post by jax »

remove carbs and completely clean. Do yourself a favor and get a complete o-ring kit as well. re tune

New battery

Oil and filter change

new chain if rusted or remove chain and soak in parts cleaner

check tires for dry rot

Drain and refill engine / radiator coolant

Should be good to go after that. Just check lights and stuff.
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Re: checklist for a bike thats been sitting years...

Post by DonTZ125 »

Dump the gas in the tank. It'll do no good to clean the carbs and then flow that crap through them ...
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Re: checklist for a bike thats been sitting years...

Post by thatkid »

I would guess that sitting in the backyard in arizona heat almost anything rubber is going to be toast. Intake boots would be another big thing to check. Fork seals, fuel lines, radiator hoses, tires, chain and sprockets, brake lines (if they are rubber don't even take the bike out for a spin). If I buy a used bike, I'm changing the tires and all the fluids no matter what. Unless that guy has proof that the tires were purchased days ago or you can tell they are showroom new, I'm not chancing my life on them. Everyone loves to tell you the fluids were JUST changed. Granted you know these things need to be changed. My point being, I allow for another 4-500 on top of the purchase price for things that are going to need to be fixed. If you got the bike free, you can be running it with no headaches (in theory) by putting that much into the main parts. Don't skimp on the carbs though. Everyone thinks they can make that 20 year old o-ring last a bit longer or that intake boot isn't cracked THAT bad. Carb leaks are a tuning nightmare. Just take care of it first and ride happy for the next few years knowing they are solid. And since you can ride year round it's money well spent.

Let me know if you need any parts. I'm cleaning house and have a huge amount of upgrade and OEM stuff to move.

Otherwise throw up some pictures of the bike.
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Re: checklist for a bike thats been sitting years...

Post by VanceW »

Everything mentioned are good ideas. First and foremost after receiving a free bike that had been sitting outside for years I'd make sure the motor turns over freely before spending money on parts to refurbish everything. Would just suck to spend the time and money with carbs and fluids then realizing the motor is seized. Then I'd work on carbs, fluid change, make sure clutch is adjusted correctly, and brakes. Take a slow short test ride going through the gears to meddle sure the tranny is good. Once you know everything is ok with the motor and tranny then I'd work on chain, sprockets, tires, lines, forks and everything else. Just don't want you to spend a bunch on carb kits tires fluids chain and sprockets then have to buy another motor.
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Re: checklist for a bike thats been sitting years...

Post by dash »

Make sure his old lady isn't looking for it!
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checklist for a bike thats been sitting years...

Post by Redoliander »

Where in AZ are you? I'm in Gilbert. Does it roll in neutral? Put it in gear, third or higher, does it roll? If it does, motor should be able to start. I would change the oil, Rotella T6 $21 at Walmart, and filter and flush the radiator and just leave water in there for now. You'll need a new battery to try to start it unless u can hook some cables up to a car battery. Put some gas or starting fluid in the carbs and try to turn her over.

I picked my bike up after it had sat for 13+ years but it was in a storage unit. I've put about $700 into getting it back up and running. Just to give you an idea of the cost of fixing it. It's been about a year due to spare money and time. I've upgraded parts and spent money on things I really didn't need to, carb bolts, R6 front calipers, R6 rear shock.

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Post by NAKED&LOUD518 »

know my experience isn't with sport's with dirt.

Flush and replace fluids,93 octane gas
Give the battery juice, does it "power up"?
If yes, new plugs,put gas in the cylinders,
Let it sit for a while, I know sounds counter productive,then take a rag, do a "cylinder swab",clean lookin gas, crank it over.

If anything seems odd check it out.common sense goes farther then throwing money.

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