what to look for on a cbr600 F3

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Re: what to look for on a cbr600 F3

Post by abs929cbrrr »

well we called the guy and he said his friend wrecked it last night so it would sell it really cheap. we got there and OMG he f*ck totaled that shit. left and right fairings will all problem up (hong kong stuff breaks really easy) muffler side took all the impact with ment the muffler, which bent the passgender rear pet wich bent the subframe. it had to title, timing chain was slapping the shit out of the engine was he started it up, ran like crap, road like shit, bars were bent and forks were bent, would'nt even drive stright. throttle stuck, wires all spliced to hell...had a F2 head light, and F2 swingarm and wheel.

i told me buddy do not buy this i am taking you too look a a zx7r and a 900rr...oh and that cbr cbr600 was slower then my old fzr.......i mean really slow. it felt like a 250.
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Re: what to look for on a cbr600 F3

Post by megaloxana »

abs600fzrr wrote:well we called the guy and he said his friend wrecked it last night so it would sell it really cheap. we got there and OMG he f*ck totaled that shit. left and right fairings will all problem up (hong kong stuff breaks really easy) muffler side took all the impact with ment the muffler, which bent the passgender rear pet wich bent the subframe. it had to title, timing chain was slapping the shit out of the engine was he started it up, ran like crap, road like shit, bars were bent and forks were bent, would'nt even drive stright. throttle stuck, wires all spliced to hell...had a F2 head light, and F2 swingarm and wheel.

i told me buddy do not buy this i am taking you too look a a zx7r and a 900rr...oh and that cbr cbr600 was slower then my old fzr.......i mean really slow. it felt like a 250.
sounds like it needs to be sent to the scrap yard
'92 FZR 600
Airtech R1 kit \*/ 520 conversion \*/ 14F-47R gearing
K&N pod filters \*/ Stage 3 jet kit \*/ Factory Pro shift kit \*/ Full V&H SS exhaust
Custom '02 R6 undertail \*/ YZF gas tank \*/ Raised via dogbones \*/ custom flush turnsignals
Full R6 brake set-up \*/ SS lines \*/ Progressive fork springs \*/ ZX2 coilpack

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