dunno bout' yall' <my southrn talk>
the only reason i would not Rock one of those out here in Detroit is because my alarm would have to cost as much as the bike !!!!
he's asking 10,5 , i willling to bet if somone showed him 7 thousand cash , he'd SELL IT ,
but i see the majority knocking that bike like somthing wrong with it , i would personally give my left Nut for that and tell the right one to stay jealous !!
i seen one cruisin down the highway last thursday over 100mph and could not take my eyes off it ...the only way we could keep up with it was cuz' we were in my friends 500hp tweaked out Audi S4< can keep up with a stealth bomber...

> - That swap is well over 4-5 grand <looks like its gonna need a new rear tire, seen one on ebay for $180>, the bike is worth another 3-4 so is somone got that for around 5-6 it be one hell of a deal , but seeing that my bikes paid off and i got my so caLLED fat wheel mod .. im happpy with what i have
i understand you cant turn , or drag your knee and ect... , but thats not everyones preference either , i never see a young guy in Detroit rollin on one of these bikes , usually middle age , because with detroit's economy you either have to be Slangin' that Raw ' or be a spoiled trust fund kid type otherwise you aint rockin a R1 modded with a 5k swingarm/tire kit ! but i wonder if it was available for the FZR for let's say $800 turnkey project .. how many would not do a big wheel swap .. i say majority would just to try < I WOULD !!!> it and have somthing differnt <now you racers might beg to differ > my yzf600 swap cost over 500..shiiiiyet
also i've noticed a dealership about an hour away from Me selling these bikes stock allready modded out the showroom for like 20 grand now thats just fcukin rediculous

2002 R1 9k miles , Hotbodies undertail , Chopped Hindle Hi Mount , Solo Seat cowl,Frame sliders, little yellow yamaha wheel stickers .hehe
94' 600RR SOLD**
hid xenon
airtek solo tail
time for a 1000
R.I.P DaD 2/17/09 Your in my <3 always